Chapter 1

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I finally exit the airport, excited to be back in London. I quickly walk towards the meeting point H. gave me, aware of the fact that I'm 15 minutes late and he has probably been waiting for a while now. However, once I get there, I look for his blue car and can't find it. It's not like him to be late, so I try to call him. I start to panic a bit when he doesn't answer, wondering if something bad happened to him, but try to rationalize; he probably didn't answer because he's driving. About 10 minutes later, I see his blue car enter the parking lot, stopping in front of me. I wait a few seconds to see if he's going to come out of the car to help me with my suitcases, but he doesn't, so I open the trunk to put my things in it, before sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Nice to see you missed me enough to be late and watch me struggle with my suitcases," I say, laughing.

"Uh... Sorry."

That's not H.'s voice. I turn to the driver to see a guy about my age wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"Oh lord, sorry, I'm in the wrong car.

I reach for the door, but he locks it and says in a serious voice:

"Hello, Brooklyn. I've been looking for you."

"Who are you? Did Harrison send you?" I say, panicking a little bit.


"Harrison Osterfield."

"Never heard of the guy, he answers in a casual tone. I'm Peter Parker, by the way," he adds, taking off his sunglasses.

Oh my god, it's Tom Holland. To be honest, I haven't seen any of his recent movies, but I still know who he is. He is Eva's favorite actor; she was always talking about him. It all makes sense now, that's why Harrison wouldn't give me his best friend Tom's last name. I decide to play along, let's see who's the better actor. I reply:

"Am I supposed to know a Peter Parker? His name sounds like the guy's a problem."

"Excuse me preacher, you got time for a sinner?" he says in a weird American accent.

"What? Are you working with the FBI? How did you find me?"

"I'm not, but now I want to know what about you might get the FBI's attention," he answers while he starts driving.

"Wait, where are you taking me? Please don't kill me."

"Do you have any good reason for me not to?" He asks.

"Hail Hydra?" I answer, unsure. As I said, I haven't really seen the movies.

"Wrong movie, that's Captain America, but that means you know who I am, right?"

"Yeah, I just didn't know my parents sold me to a celebrity, but nice to meet you, Tom." He starts laughing and says:

"Wow, you really aren't like other girls, aren't you? I bet you read books during concerts." I laugh and change the subject by asking:

"So, where's Haz? Why are you picking me up?"

"Something came up, but don't worry, we're going to his place. I hope you don't mind; I'm spending the day with you too."

"The whole day?" I ask.

To be honest, as much as I would love to get back at Eva by spending a day with Tom Holland, I was hoping I would get to spend some time alone with my best friend.

"You know, a lot of girls would kill to be in your place, you could try to show a little more enthusiasm."

I roll my eyes and stare at him blankly. Tom adds:

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