Chapter 13

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I wake up when I hear the front door slam. I'm guessing someone just left. Tom and Harrison are both still asleep next to me, so I decide to go take a shower. I get up, being careful not to wake them, and walk to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The shower curtain is already closed, so I turn the water on while beginning to take off my clothes. However, before I can even take off my shirt, I'm stopped by a high-pitched scream:

"THIS IS SO COLD OH MY GOD!" I quickly turn off the water and open the curtain to find Chris Pratt, soaking wet. I burst out laughing:

"What are you doing in my bath?"

"Peacefully sleeping! Or at least trying to," He replies, "why would you wake me up like this?" He tries to get up but struggles, so I help him up.

"I didn't know you were here, and all things considered, it's a good thing I woke you up with the water. Anyways, you kind of deserved it, Endgame happened because you couldn't keep your feelings in check in front of Thanos." He rolls his eyes, laughing, and I add:

"I'll go check if Tom has clothes you can borrow while yours dry." I get out of the bathroom to go to Tom's room. Anthony, Chris and Sebastian are still sleeping, so I slam a drawer to wake them up. Anthony quickly sits up:

"What time is it?" He asks, as Sebastian slowly wakes up, answering:

"Too early. Please let me sleep." I laugh and grab a few clothes before going back to the bathroom to give them to Chris Pratt. He changes before giving me his clothes so I can put them in the dryer. I hear voices coming from the living room, so Chris and I decide to go see who's up. I see Scarlett Johansson, Letitia Wright, Elizabeth Olsen and Zendaya sitting on two air mattresses I didn't know I owned, and Jacob is sitting on the couch.

"Good morning!" I say as I walk in. "Where did you find the air mattresses?" I ask after everyone greeted me.

"I brought them, Lizzie, Scarlett, Letitia and I all agreed to sleep here, so we came prepared," answers Zendaya. "By the way, before I forget, this is yours, I don't need it anymore," she adds, handing me a key.

"Where did you get this?" I ask confused and a little bit scared.

"Oh, when Tom's brothers came, Harry made a copy of your keys for me," she tells me, laughing. I take the key and put it in my pocket, before hearing Chris Pratt's stomach grumbling. I turn to him:

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'm going to leave and go eat once my clothes are dried." Everyone gives him questioning looks, so he explains, pouting:

"Brooklyn turned on the shower on me, because I fell asleep in the bath."

Everyone laughs and we talk for a few minutes before H. energetically walks in:

"Good morning, Avengers, and B. Hi to you as well Zendaya and Jacob!" I roll my eyes before hugging him. He then asks: "so, who's cooking breakfast, I'm starving!"

"Calm down, Haz, maybe B. doesn't want all of us eating here!" Zendaya scolds him. Before I get a chance to answer, Anthony comes out of Tom's room:

"Who said anything about breakfast at B.'s? Is my little Sunflower cooking us all breakfast?" He's followed by Sebastian and Chris Evans.

"Oh, B., are you cooking pancakes?" Sebastian asks me, before turning to everyone else: "They're so good, she makes the best pancakes!"

"What? When did B. cook you pancakes?" Anthony asks, "and why didn't I get any?"

"Because you weren't there," Sebastian answers.

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