chapter 3

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Ryan's pov:

I got up super early with a splitting headache. I saw the bottle I had drunk and damn it was a lot. I then looked at my watch and saw it was 5:30 in the morning. Thank god I brought spare clothes here, knowing that something would happen. I slowly walked to the cabinet holding my head and pulled out my clothes. I then walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"today I'm going to make it up to her." I quickly got ready and headed back into my office. I put on my one million aftershave and sat there for a while. I hate this god damn office some times.  I then took a little nap and waited till it was time for me to go into work.

Ava's pov:

Today I was dreading work. I hated Ryan but I keep dreaming about him and they were definitely not child friendly. I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed slowly. I then dragged myslef down the stairs and ate my breakfast in silence as mum had gone on a business trip. I only found out last night as a note was left on the side but I didn't care. As soon as I finished breakfast I jumped in my car and headed to work. I got there early again so I spoke to Jess.

"Hey Jess. Still on for tomorrow night."

"hell yeah can't wait." I smiled then walked into the elevator. It went up one floor and stopped. I didn't look up but I heard a cough.

"Morning Ava." There stood Ryan and damn he looked fine in his suit. I ignored him and he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"please Ava... Listen I didn't do anything she jumped me. Please!" I looked at him and I tried to hold in the tears that threatened to spill.

"I trusted you and to be honest I only met you last week. If you're telling the truth then you will have to gain my trust again." I said coldly. He nodded then looked at me again.

"well let me take you out tonight then please." I thought for a while then replied.

"okay... But I can't promise you anything." he smiled and we left the elevator as soon as it reached the top floor. Then I saw her, the bitch who jumped Ryan. She looked guilty and I was glad she was but Ryan must of said something to her though. As I followed Ryan to the office I played with my hands. I was super nervous. As soon as I sat down and he locked the door he faced me. He looked so down and his stubble had passed that stage. I looked at him and he watched me.

"I'm sorry please forgive me." He begged and I just couldn't resist his piercing blue eyes.

"I know you are." I spoke softly. He looked at me even more closely now realising we may have something.  He slowly walked over and grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

"Oh my what are you doing?!" I squelled in suprise. He just chuckled then slowly moved closer to my face.

"I love you Ava... so so much." I blushed and hid away but he pulled my face back towards him.

"I love you too Ryan." He smiled then his soft lips crashed onto mine. It was desperate and sweet but very passionate at the same time. He then gripped my hair and pulled me even closer if that was even possible but I didn't care this was amazing. As his hands roamed my hair I moved mine to his tonned chest. And pulled his shirt up. He didn't stop me so I carried on. As soon as that happened both are shirts were gone and we had ventured to the sofa.

"I can't wait for our date Ava." I blushed thinking of all the things that could happen. As soon as that conversation finished we were kissing again and this time it was slow and full of love. I don't think I could ever love someone so much.

Knock! Knock!

"Mr Evans are you in here."

"Shit." He mumbled quietly. We both separated and sorted ourselves out and sat down. As soon as we were ready Ryan opened the door and inside came the evil witch, who nearly ruined our relationship.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to come here." She stuttered. She then rushed out the room and left us once again. What a day!? As soon as she had dissapeared we both laughed loudly.

"Well I believe she won't be visiting us again." Ryan spoke softly. I smiled then got up to leave.

"I have work to do now Mr Evans I will see you later tonight. Text me." I wrote my number down and passed it to him. He took it then put it straight in his phone. I then felt my phone buzz.

Hello sexy ;) Ryan

I smiled then walked out. Tonight will be fun and I can't wait.

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