Chapter 3

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I was about to leave the cafeteria, when...

"Well, well. Look who we have here. Awww... are you going back to your class, nerd?" She mocked, looking down on me. Literally! She was much taller than me! Remember the girl who likes Ichinomiya, well that's who I'm facing today.

I didn't look her in the eye, and tried to walk past them, but she grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!" I said, struggling. There were no people left in the room except me and the fancy girls. "What will the dean say if the so-called scholar skipped classes half of the day? Better yet, what will he 'do'?" She grinned.

"Oh, well." she shrugged, then pushed me to the cold floor. She and her friends closed the door, which was the ONLY door. I stood up, and tried to open it, but it was locked.

I started breathing hard, and my body felt weak because of nervousness. I know clearly why they did this. Even though Ichinomiya wasn't the one who did this, it's still his fault! If it wasn't for him, those girls wouldn't be angry at me!

I kicked the door over and over again, but it's no use. I tried to calm my racing heartbeat by breathing normally.

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't panic. Somebody will help you." I said to myself, shaking my head while walking back and forth.

I sat down, and rummaged my bag. I just want to graduate in peace!! Is that too much to ask for?!

My vision got blurry. I blinked the tears away, and started kicking the door again and screaming for help.

"Help!!!" I yelled as loud as I can. Not long, I lost hope. I sank down to the cold floor. It seems more lonely and scary because of the floor. The lonely silence started eating me. The whole room was dark, and terrifying.

I imagined hair-raising things, which didn't help!

Something clicked, and the light entered the room. I hastily went back to my class, and I made it.

"A minute to spare!" I said punching through the air. "Thank you, whoever opened that door! I'll pray for your happiness!"

I feel someone's gaze on me. I didn't look who it was, or what it is...

It gave me goosebumps, when I thought of that.

"Good afternoon, students!!!" The voice of the speaker boomed. We all turned our attention to the speaker.

"Dean speaking. I have good news for all of you! Ehem..., we'll have another school field trip! Isn't that exciting? I and the board members have decided to test your responsibility, by assigning a pair to take care of a kid from our sister school. Each of you will be assigned tomorrow! Class dismissed."

Is it really to develop our responsibility, or to make more money?

I sighed.

The class was filled with noise, both with anxiety because of taking care of a kid, and excitement because of the field trip.

"Gyaaah!" Someone yelled. I looked up, to see Therese screaming. "I'm so excited, Megumi!" She said, grabbing my hand, and squeezing it tightly.

"I hope I'll be paired with Eisuke! Gyaahh!!!" She yelled. She seemingly can't control her excitement and happiness. I rolled my eyes just because I heard Ichinomiya's name.

~~The next day~~

"Kisaki, Ota to Belles, Therese."

Even Therese's surname is connected to her beauty.

"Aww... I really expected that I would be paired with Megumi." Ota pouted. The guys laughed at him. "That's okay, you still have Belles." Baba said.

"And the last one..." everyone listened intently to the speaker.

"Ichinomiya, Eisuke to Yukino, Megumi."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" We both said in unison.

"So, at the day of the field trip, the kid will choose a pair to tale care of him or her. It will be next week, so you need to pay until the day after tomorrow."

The dean turned off the speaker.

Why Ichinomiya of all the people!?!

"Why did she get to have Eisuke?!?!" The girl complained.

I looked over to Therese, who was sulking. I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to her.

She shook her head dismissively, and mouthed 'It's okay'.

~~The next day~~

I gave the cashier my payment for the school field trip. "Ms. Yukino, please let go." the cashier said, pulling the 5000 yen from me. In this school, 5000 yen is just spare change; for me, it's a whole month of allowance... er... two months.

"Oh, sorry." I let go of the money, and tried my best no to cry. It's a huge loss for me. But, this is compulsory.

"What a huge loss." I mumbled, practically sighing.

"That's okay. At least you get to spend some time with Eisuke." Therese patted my back.

"The fact that I spent my money to spend time with Ichinomiya is a huge loss!"

"He's not that bad."

"Yeah, he's not; he's evil!"

Therese rolled her eyes, and walked around. She didn't know where to go, so she stopped. "Let's go back." she said.

~~a week later~~

The students were waiting outside the school gate for the kids.

Soon enough, noises from children filled the whole place.

"Kids, choose a pair."

After some kids chose some pairs, a little girl came to us. She's cute.

"Awww what's your name?" I asked, crouching down.

The girl smirked, and hugged Eisuke's legs, completely ignoring me.

"He's mine, beach!" The I-think-5-year-old girl said. Did she supposed to say b****?

"Wha-???" I was completely upset about it, then the little girl stuck her tongue out to me. I wasn't upset because I was jealous, but because a little girl saying those things... no, no, no. And why would I even get jealous of a little girl because of Ichinomiya?! Like... Eeeeew!!!

A/N: Sorry if the story is bad :( but if you liked/enjoyed it, give it a vote, comment, or follow. Tnx for reading XD sorry again if the chapter is short. Sorry :(

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