Chapter 9

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Megumi walked faster than Eisuke because of her excitement to feed the ducks. She was glad that she could try these things that she hadn't done during her childhood. Yes, she didn't do stuffs like these. Even if she was still studying on her old school before now, she was pretty hardworking. She was very persevered on her studies.

Eisuke partly shows his love by letting Megumi experience these things she hasn't done. And the other half is... Well, only Eisuke knows. Though, Megumi appreciates everything he has done for her.

"Want some ice cream?" Eisuke asked when they reached the bridge. Megumi's eyes smiled, but her lips didn't.

"Um... no thanks."

"Be honest."

"Okay, fine. I want some."

"You should've said that in the first place."

She snorted, and Eisuke gave her a paper bag, inside it was pieces of bread. Megumi started throwing some tiny crumbs on the water, which the ducks munched on quickly.

Eisuke left to buy some ice cream. When he came to the ice cream parlor, he met his love rival, Shuichi Hishikura.

"Oh, you're here." Said Shuichi in a mocking tone.

"So are you."

"Are you going to buy a her an ice cream?"

"Perhaps. You? Do you work here?" Eisuke mocked, which caused Shuichi to smile.

"What an interesting choice of words, Eisuke. Where is Megumi, anyway? I want to talk to her, probably make her fall in love with me."

"Tch! Over my dead body." Eisuke huffed.

"What if I do kill you right now? Would you still protect that lovely lady of yours?"

"Hah... Even if you torture me before I die."

"My. My. How brilliant that you finally loved someone and are willing to protect her from being snatched by charming people like me." Shuichi said. He put his finger on his chin, looked up and added, "But I, too, am willing to risk and do everything to have her, Mr. Ichinomiya. Even if it means to get her by force."

Eisuke was furious. He didn't want others to have her, nor did she want others to have her.

Because of his anger, he grabbed Shuichi's collar, and glared at him sharply.

"Shut that big mouth of yours, and listen carefully. If you even try to steal Megumi from me, you'll never see sunlight ever again. You'll regret everything you did and will do. She's mine, only mine. I'll never let someone like you have her."

Eisuke let him go, and entered the ice cream parlor. Shuichi straightened his collar, and said, "You'll never let 'someone like' me have her? Tsk. I myself will have her."

He turned his back, and walked away.

Eisuke came back with two ice creams in hand... And a frown on his face. His ice cream was chocolate pecan, and Megumi's was vanilla strawberry.

Eisuke handed Megumi the vanilla flavored ice cream. "Thanks Eisuke!" Megumi chirped, then started licking it.

Eisuke gazed sharply at the pond, while angrily licking his cold dessert. He was definitely angry at Shuichi. 'Am I being possessive over her?' He asked himself.

'Why does this silly girl mean so much to me?' He asked himself again, then glanced at the girl beside him, who was licking happily on her ice cream.

Megumi stopped, and looked at Eisuke. He was crushing his cone, and has creased brows, while furiously staring in space.

Megumi smiled when she thought of something. She carefully came closer to Eisuke, then pressed her ice cream on his cheek. It was as cold as ice. It gave Eisuke shivers down his spine.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Look at your face! You look ridiculous!" Megumi laughed, pointing to Eisuke's cheek.

Eisuke glared at Megumi for a second, but immediately wiped the ice cream with his thumb, then licked it.

Eisuke, as revenge, pressed his ice cream on Megumi's cheek, and spread it all over her lips.

"Who looks ridiculous?" He asked.

"You." Megumi insisted.

"Really?" He asked, then licked the ice cream off her cheek. His lips trailed across her cheek to her lips, then kissed her briskly.

Megumi's eyes widened, and she pushed him away. "Honestly Eisuke! Why do you keep on doing that?!" Megumi asked, clearly upset.

"Because I like to. And may I ask you, why do you look so cute?"

Megumi, who was upset before, blushed and her mouth hung open.

"If you don't want to be kissed, then don't look so cute." Eisuke said, folding his arms.

~~Time Skip~~

Megumi's POV

Eisuke and I went to the mall. And just as he promised, here we are now, buying clothes.

I stepped out of the changing room, and walked up to Eisuke. "What?" I asked, if it was okay.

"Passing, but" waves hand, and points to the changing room "There are better outfits that would look good on you."

I turned around, and walked away with a frown on my face. I internally sighed, and changed my clothes... for the nth time.

I stepped out, and decided to just stay in front of the mirror. I think this is the outfit I like the most. I sighed on how I look. What if he doesn't like it? I frowned. "Eh, I don't care anymore." I suddenly felt exhausted, and it was a terrible feeling.

I stood there in front of the mirror, and closed my eyes. I tried to get the exhaustion out of my body, by inhaling and exhaling.

I inhaled deeply, and I felt a warm breath on my neck. I opened my eyes to see Eisuke's reflection on the mirror. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me close to him. We were both facing the mirror, and I placed my hands on top of his.

"We look like a married couple." he said.

A/N: Tnx for reading XD please give this a vote/comment. Please do follow me :) Sorry if this is still bad, even though I said I would do my best. Sooooorry :( but I still hope you enjoyed. Thanks for all your support!


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