2 - The Dreaded Sign

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2 - The Dreaded Sign


Kill me now.

I mean seriously, grab a rock of your preference and just hit me in the head. You don't even need to give me a warning. After having Easton walk in on me trying to put the sign up, and me walking out without saying anything to him, I thought my embarrassing moment of the day would be over. Unfortunately, the gods did not agree. After leaving Easton to fix the sign himself, I went into the kitchen to help set up the food for the rest of the week. I handled everything smoothly until I heard Easton start to talk to one of the advisors, and all of a sudden the fruit I was holding in my hands suddenly found themselves on the floor. They rolled past my feet, and ended up passing Easton's feet who sent me a glance when he noticed them. My face was too hot and my thoughts were too jumbled to overthink his glance. I ended up having to crawl on my knees to pick them up. And halfway through that, a hand reached in front of my to hand me a pear. And that's when I saw Easton's dark hair.

"You forgot this one," he said softly.

Before I could give him a response or even a smile, I ended up staring at him and then hitting my head on the countertop above me. The pain I felt overpowered my senses to give a response. I ended up holding my hand above my head, and moving away from him. And through that whole interaction, I forgot to grab the pear from his hands.

And apparently he remembered because after grabbing all the fruit and having him them centered on the countertop to be inspected for any bruising, I was about to walk out the kitchen floor, when Easton showed his presence again. He tried for a second time to hand me the pear, but instead of grabbing it like any normal being would, I continued to stare at him and found myself walking right into the door. And I walked out there quickly, forgetting to grab the pear. Again.

It wasn't until I had a small break, that he came up to me again.

I heard the pear fall onto the table behind me, but I was too embarrassed to do anything. Not even when he sat down next to me. "Third times a charm?"

I looked around to see if he was actually talking to me, but after finding no one else outside and him staring at me, I figured it was safe to assume that he was talking to me.

I grabbed the pear from behind my back, holding it up to see a couple bruises on it. Easton sent me a small smile when I caught his glance. Without returning the smile and then removing my gaze from his, I put the pear in my bag.

"Thanks," I mutter quietly, darting my eyes everywhere.

Easton quickly takes notice because he turns to look at me from the corner of his eye. "What are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Just seeing if there are any other embarrassing scenarios that could happen."

I finally let myself meet his gaze, and I see him chuckling at me. Why would he be chuckling at me? Because you're stupid, Austen.

"You're not stupid."

When I looked up, I find Easton scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. It didn't occur to me until a moment later, that I spoke my thoughts out loud. And there goes another embarrassing moment. In that second, I decide it would be best if I didn't let myself be near Easton. Even though I will be seeing him a lot more throughout the summer, I can try to keep my distance. 

"I just remembered that I have to go help Steven with something." I say, while getting up. "E-Excuse me."

"Wait, Austen. You forgot-"

The door of the school closes behind me, drowning out what Easton was trying to say. By me walking away from him, I think I did something smart. But if only I had heard what he was trying to say. Maybe then I would have heard him. Heard him say something about my bag.

Embarrassing moment #4.

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