7 - The Ending Of Summer

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7 - The Ending Of Summer


The summer was coming to an end. The summer of fun was slowly starting to dwindle down. Not that it was upsetting, though. No. The only upsetting part was that fact of the unknown between Easton and I. 

Not that I was expecting us to automatically be in a relationship or anything. Or even for us to change our status to exclusive. But the fact that Easton now knew what I mostly did with my journal, and he said he didn't think I was some unhinged person, made me confused about where we stood.

And I was completely terrified to ask. 

But as always, fate being fate, and decided to pay a little visit when Easton caught up to me as I was putting some supplies away in their designated bins. And I was proud to admit that I didn't try to run or hide this time.

"Are these supposed to go over by the drama department room?"


He grabs two bins while I grab one, and together we go and put them back where we got them in the first place. After placing them down, Easton looks around. "So summer is ending."

"Is it?" I ask. "I couldn't tell."

Easton looked at me for a second. "Can we talk?"

"Um, sure."

He leads me over to a quiet place where we can sit. "So summer is ending."

"So you've said." I softly snort.

Easton grins. "Are you nervous?"

"For summer ending? No, not really. I quite like the fall." I mumble.

"I meant for what it will bring." He tries to say something else, but I try to lighten the mood.

"Cooler weather, and the leaves changing?" I ask.

"No," he scolds, catching on to what I'm trying to do.

"Then what?"

"I mean, what will happen with us." He gestures between the two of us.

"And what will happen with us?" I nervously asked.

"We will continue to be us."

"Just with a different setting."



I'm cleaning up next when I find out exactly what he meant by that. Later that afternoon, Easton found me making sure I was putting everything away.

"I realized I wasn't clear earlier."

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "On what?"

"When we were talking about what was going to happen after summer."

I began to sweat. "Did I misinterpret it?"

"No, you didn't." Easton assured me.

"Okay, good." I sigh. "Because I've been known to do that."

Easton chuckled. He leaned against a banister before speaking again. "I meant I want us to be together after summer is over."

I turn to look at him. "Oh." I mumbled. "I kind of gathered that."

His eyes slightly widened. "Really?"

"Yes." I smile at him.

He smiles back before looking around. Almost like he was making sure nobody was looking before doing something. I was slightly confused at first, but then he leans forward. He places a small kiss on my cheek. I place a hand over the spot he kissed.

"See you later." He winked, walking away and leaving me with a red face.

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