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guide !

y/n : your name



NISHINOYA RUSHES INTO the bathroom that is connected to y/n's bedroom, fixing his hair as it looked quite messy. He wore his school uniform, which was a bit messed up, and he quickly washed his face to get rid of any redness on his cheeks or sweat from the previous event.

y/n rushes in, wearing a random shirt with a pair of shorts, fixing his hair quickly while he dried his face. Nishinoya takes a quick look at himself, y/n fixing his uniform before he rushes out the bathroom.

"Okay, babe! I got to go," He calls out, grabbing his bag and rushing out her bedroom.

y/n sighs and walks to her bedroom door, about to close it but Nishinoya comes back. He grabbed her face and pulled her into a swift, sweet kiss. He pulled away and pecked her forehead,"Okay, bye!"

He then ran down the hall, out of her house. y/n sat on her bed, processing everything that just happened. Right in the middle of it, he got a call from his family that one of his sisters went into labor right at that moment.

y/n grabbed her phone, immediately going to call Abril but froze when she heard someone walk into her house.

"I'm home!" Her mother's familiar voice goes throughout the house.

y/n drops her phone on her bed, running down the hall and seeing her mom holding the juice box y/n left outside before stuff happened.

"I told you this before, y/n. Clean up your trash," her mother sighs out, tossing it into the trash can.

She turns to y/n, her eyes wandering down her neck. "I'm going to take a bath," She announces loudly before disappearing to her bedroom.

"Dad should be home soon with Angel, by the way!" She calls out before shutting her bedroom door.

y/n nods, shouting out an 'okay' before rushing back to her room. She grabbed her phone and tapped on Abril's contact name. It only rang two times before her twin picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" Abril asks.

"I just had sex," y/n blurts out, shutting her bedroom door.

"What?!" Abril shouts into the phone, y/n pulling her phone away from her ear slightly.

"I said I just had sex, dumb bitch," y/n repeats, Abril giggling and squealing on the other line.

"I'm guessing it was Nishinoya?" She asks once she is done squealing.

y/n sat on her bed, saying,"Yeah, but we had to stop since one of his sisters went into labor."

"He has a sister?"

"Four, actually."



There was some silence, y/n listening to Abril scold some child before returning to the phone. "Anyways, since you and Nishinoya are back together, wanna go on a double date with me and Tanaka?" She asks.

"Who were you just--"

"Oh, Aiko's little brother. Anyways, you wanna?" Abril asks again.

y/n thought for a moment, looking over at her mirror to see the hickeys and bruises along her neck. "Fuck," she mutters as she realizes her mother could've seen them.

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