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guide !

y/n : your name
n/n : nickname
y/e : your ethnicity



Y/N TOOK A SEAT AT his bed, setting her bag beside her as she took a look around his familiar bedroom. Her eyes landed on the small TV he had which is where the two would play whenever she came over. She was used to his room, she came to his place every other weekend to see him. But now she felt like their friendship would break.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asks, his soft voice breaking her out of her thoughts.

y/n shakes her head,"No thanks, Kenma."

The boy nods in return, going back into his cabinet to look for a game. y/n peeked over his shoulder slightly to see it was all organized to her surprise. He then pulls out a game, turning to her and showing her it.

"Do you wanna play Minecraft?" He asks, y/n's eyes lighting up when she sees the game in his hands.

She nods excitedly, placing her bag somewhere on his bed as he gets the game set up. She told Kenma about what had happened last weekend, when she and Nishinoya had a small argument. Well, it must be big since the two haven't spoken in a week. She told Kenma who suggested she can come over to his place the following weekend so she can rant, vent, whatever she needed to tell him. He didn't mind, he was used to it anyway. She always talked his ear off while they played video games together online, it can be complaining or she could be talking smack. It doesn't matter what, y/n always talked to Kenma about something.

Kenma passed a controller to y/n who happily turned it on as he went into Minecraft, turning to her,"New world?"

y/n looks up at the screen as the controller in her hands lit up, her eyes going down the list of all his worlds. 96% of these worlds were titled 'kenma and n/n'. She nods,"Yep, new world."

Kenma nods and starts to create a new world, about to create it after setting it up but y/n shouts, pointing at the cheats section. "Don't forget to turn on keep inventory!" She screams out.

He stares at y/n for a quick second, noticing how her hair was and wasn't usually as nice as it was. He noticed how her skin has been breaking out, how her lips didn't look as soft as always, how her clothes weren't exactly the best, how sad her eyes looked despite the smile on her face. She looked like a complete mess and not her usual self.

"No," Kenma says plainly, pressing on to create world.

"Is it really because I'm y/e?" y/n asks, glaring at Kenma.

"What does that have to do with Minecraft?" Kenma asks, glaring back.

y/n looks away from Kenma, gasping,"We spawned in a jungle!"


"Look, coco beans! We can make cookies! Do you wanna make cookies?"


"Oh my God! Look, Kenma! Pandas! There are pandas!"


"They're so cute!"


"Ooh, a parrot!"


"I want it!"

𝐒𝐇𝐘. yū nishinoyaWhere stories live. Discover now