Chapter Nineteen; Get Down To Brass Tracks

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"Well, this is fun," Faren muttered sarcastically.

Jameson continued to try to keep an extra-but still distant-eye on Faren, for the nightmare remained fresh in his mind.

Up ahead by some yards, Vick announced, "Stop here."

Those in the back, including Jameson, continued walking in order to reach Vick and those in the front, including Faren. James wanted to stop where he was; he wanted to stay miles and miles from Faren. But that wasn't going to happen. Plus, Skyler was already nearly a foot from the monster. James quickened his pace, hoping to possibly provide a barrier between the two. However, by the time he'd reached the group, Faren had moved to the edge of the river, which was about two large steps away.

"We're going to cross?" inquired James.

"No, we're just standing here to waste time," Faren shot back sarcastically. Jameson had a strong urge to push the elf into the water he stood over. When Faren looked back at James with a smirk, the youth realized Faren not only knew what he was thinking but was also daring him to do it. James turned so that his back faced the elf.

"Ready?" Though the question was addressed to everyone, Vick's gaze was fixed on Jameson. It was as if he was asking the youth if he was ready to retrieve the Sparth.

But we're still miles from its home, the youth thought dejectedly. A hard and heavy rock suddenly weighed down on his chest. Will we even be on time? Does it even matter how hard we push ourselves or how fast we go anymore?

Skyler seemed to read his mind. "Even if yours is lost, there are still many others."

"Boy, ain't that jovial," Faren grumbled, but made it loud enough for the youth to hear. "You're family is obliterated and your father died for nothing. So, why don't you just take on this giant weight and save everyone else because you have no one?"

At that, Jameson finally lashed out. He spun around and leaped at the elf. For once, shock was written all over that typically smug face. And, suddenly, Faren found himself in the water along with his supplies. The he-elf was speechless for a good while, managing only to stand. By the time he had mustered up to counter attack-whether verbally or physically-the others had begun crossing the river. No one helped him in anyway, or even looked at him. For some minutes, it was as though he didn't exist.

With Vick leading the way, Skyler followed, then Jameson, Tristan, and finally Tucker before the ignored Faren. The water rushed up to their knees. There was a slight current that pushed against their legs, but nothing they couldn't take. And nothing compared to the river of The Bows.

The river was about half of a mile wide. It never got deeper than knee-high. The water was a transparent green-blue. The sand on the bottom sunk about an inch under their feet. As for marine life, there seemed little vegetation. A small group of little, purple fish bolted past the group when they were a little over half way through. Croaking frogs felt like music to Skyler's ears, yet she was never able to spot one on the bank or in the water.

By the time they crossed the river, Jameson's temper had mellowed. Still, the others were careful to have at least one person between him and Faren. Though no one said a word on it, their actions made their unspoken plan rather obvious.

"Vick, how much longer?" Jameson called.


"You know exactly what I mean!"

Faren smirked. "Yeah, Victor, give the kid a break."

James' eyes narrowed at the elf, who shot his eye brows up playfully, but the youth said nothing. Tucker, scowling, came in between the two with Tristan at his elbow. She seemed unfazed by Faren's remark, with her eyes on the ground and hand reaching for Tuck's.

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