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Taehyung: "How much do you love me?"

y/n: "much more than you can think of."

Tae: "what if I don't love you back?"

y/n: "I will still love you the same."

Tae: "what if I leave you?"

y/n: "you cant. I will follow you to the heaven."


Taehyung: "I am sorry...."

He jumped! There he laid, on the green meadow five floors below, peacefully. Slowly the dark red liquid spread all round his head.

"No- this can't be...... Taehyung you—" my words stuck on my throat. "No, no you can't just leave me like this!!"

"I am sorry too, that I can't let you go alone. We will always be together; I can't live without you!" I laughed at my words like a psychopath. I let go of my holding. Now I stood on the thin rod. Slowly I bent downwards.




I flung my eyes open and sat upright. I felt a pair of arms was wrapped around myself.

"Hey.. its okay... calm down... It was a nightmare.." Jungkook whispered in my ears.

I panted heavily. Involuntary tears overflowed from my eyes.

"Jungkook why didn't you let me die that night?! I am tired of this sinful life! I had promised him to follow even to heaven, now I even broke it! why Jungkook, why!"

"Its because you are my best friend. I do love and care for my friends. I failed to save one..." he spoke still hugging me. "Now I don't want to loose another. Besides I had promised someone to always be with you."

"you are right. I wont die so easily. This will eat me up from inside, I will suffer for my deeds. I let him die infront of my eyes!"

He broke the hug and answered in an angry tone, "stop living in dark, Y/N. Even I am guilty then. Only if I had come a bit sooner... but we can't change our past, can we? Death is not a solution. Try to live your life for the ones who loves and cares for you. Imagine how will they feel if you leave them like Taehyung?"

His words might be bitter, but it's the truth. What has happened cant be changed. I have to live rest of my life at least for the ones who loves me. I have made my mind. I will fight against this! I will live my life in my own way! I will definitely find out the reason behind Tae's suicide.

"thank you for the support." I spoke in a heavy voice. "I understand your words.. and sorry for bothering you at this hour."

Jungkook looked at the clock. It was 3am. He shook his head. "it's okay... my office is from 11. I can wake up late tomorrow. Now, you go off to sleep. You are the one who needs to wake up early."

I nodded and went under my blankets. Kookie left the room once he saw everything was fine.

His words played in my head.

"It's because you are my best friend. I do love and care for my friends"

Why am I smiling like an idiot? It was a giddy feeling. It felt like he meant something more than just a friend.

Y/n get some sleep! Your mind is going crazy due to drowsiness!


After that I had slept pretty well. My eyes opened at 8am. I stretched myself and got ready for office.

Don't Leave Me.✅(JJK X Y/N X KTH)Where stories live. Discover now