ˢᵘˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ (10)

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^first of all, thank you so much for over 1k reads you really don't know how much it means to me! So thank you for that<3

Once tendou's mom left you sat down at the table near the kitchen.

"Thank you, y/n." Tendou said intertwining his fingers with yours

"I didn't do anything?" You said pulling your hand away

"You didn't tell my mom the real reason you're here.." he said stroking your hair

"I have one request." You said making eye contact

"Anything for my paradise!" Tendou jumped up

"Can you give me something to do when you go to school? It gets kind of boring.." you said

"Yes!! Of course!! What would you like? Books? Paper to draw? Hmm.." Tendou thought

"A phone..or something." You said

"I can't do that.." Tendou said giving you a serious look

"Why not?" You asked

"I let you off the hook with you trying to escape, I'm not letting anything else happen. I'm not stupid y/n." He said

"I wasn't-"

"Yes, you were, I already figured you out after you tried to escape. You act all innocent when you want something or when you want someone to trust you. But that's one of the many things I love about you." Tendou said cupping your cheek

"anyywayyyy!! what would you like for brunch?" Tendou asked

"I can cook a bowl of cereal, to say the least but I was thinking we could be one of thoes cute cupples and I could stand behind you as we make it!? I also want to take some pictures so I can show Ushiwaka that you ARE my girlfriend!" Tendou said as he pulled you up from your seat

Oh no what did Ushijima do now? You thought

"Luckly, my mom got grocerys for us!" He said giving you an apron from out of the closet

"that used to be mine when my dad and I used to cook together, so you should be honored that you're wearing Tendou Satori's apron!" He said

"I want to ask you something.." you said

"anything, my paradise?" he said

"well it's kinda weird just hopping into this relationship thing.. so could we maybe act like friends for once, like we were.. just so I can get to know you.. I really only know your name." you said

He didn't want that.

but anything for his paradise, right?

"I guess so.." tendou said looking deppressed

"whats your favorite food?" you asked him

"Ooo! Chocolate Icecream, and yours?" he said

"(favorite food) my mom makes it sometimes." you replied

"I'll have to learn to make that!" Tendou said pulling out a pan out of the cabinet

The next day rolled around when Tendou had to tie you up to go to school.

"I'm sorry I have to do this but you hadn't left me a choice.." Tendou said looping the zip tie

You looked at your wrist, just dangling with the zip ties around them.

"Okay! I'm off to school, I'll figure something out to cure your boredom somehow!." Tendou said leaning in for a kiss

You moved your head to the side.

"Hmm?" Tendou said giving you a look

"I don't want this." You said

"Yes you do! Don't be silly!!" Tendou said grabbing your face

"bye my paradise!! I love you." He said as he pecked your lips


There's that clown, ushijima thought as he saw Tendou walk up to the school building

There's a threat.. Tendou thought as he saw ushijima

"I don't believe you." Ushijima said bluntly as he walked up to Tendou

"I don't want to talk to you miracle boy." Tendou said walking down the hallway

"If y/n was dating you she would've told me, you're lying." Ushijima said

"Believe what you want miracle boy." Tendou replied

"I'm serious about this, tell me what you did to y/n." He said

"Are you kidding me.. you think I did something to my girlfriend? I even have a picture of the two of us when we were making food together." Tendou said showing his Lock Screen

"You freak, you did something and I know it." Ushijima said in disbelief looking at the picture

Yeah that what I thought you asshole. Tendou thought as he looked at Ushijima's reaction

"Just leave me alone. already, you wouldn't know the hurt i'm going through right now." Tendou said walking into his class while playing the playlist he made for you guys

Finally, I can now relax, Tendou thought as he sat down in his seat.

"uh, hey Tendou, I heard that you were y/n's boyfriend?" Semi said as he walked to tendou's seat

"Certanly, you could only imagine the pain im going throught right now.. so if you could do me a favor and leave me alone that would be amazing." Tendou said as he turned the volume up

"Hmm," semi thought as he walked away


"Deputy did you find anything new on the girls case?" The police woman asked

"No, but I'll need to ask my partner about this one.." he replied

"Certainly, I can run background checks on her family members and herself." The police woman said

"I appreciate it." He said

^heyo! Sorry this chapter is short but can we mention that there's character development for the police officer??
^anyway thank you all for over 1k reads you don't know how much I appreciate it! <33

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