Interlude: A Trip to The Elves

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Harry looked around in awe at the elven city, Falaryth. It was right in the middle of an extensive forest, stretching as far as the eye could see. On the ground, elf training camps were set up, where the warriors were learning to fight. Looking up into the enormous trees, Harry could see winding silver staircases twisting up the trunks, leading to balcony-like constructions that circled each tree on several levels. Silver bridges spanned from three to tree, making it easier to reach another platform. Looking closer, the Boy-Who-Lived could see the balconies teeming with live. Elves and their children were wandering in and out of their homes, or visiting the many stalls selling goods. Harry was speechless at the sight spread out before him. None of his studies of elven culture could prepare him for this.

Harry had been rather surprised when, during the first lesson of the Easter holidays, Lolide had suggested she take him to visit her family. He was pleased to be deemed worthy of the honour of visiting an elven city, but pointed out that he couldn't just disappear without telling his friends. Lolide, though, had a solution.

" We will be telling your friends nothing, Harry. In the elven world, time passes differently than in your world. There are being some elven cities hidden away in your world, but most still remain in the ancient homeland. This is where we will be going. You will be staying with my family for one of our weeks, which here is being only a few hours. I am sure you are being able to explain that away."

The following day, he had met her in the infirmary, where she had taken out a special stone, which was faintly glowing with a purple light.

" This is being a transportation stone. It will be taking us to the elven world. You is having to touch it, and think where you is wanting to go. It is the only way of crossing to other worlds."

Holding it out on her palm, Harry hesitantly placed his hand on it. A moment later, he found himself in the elven world, looking up at the trees.

Knocking on the door of one of the tree dwellings, the pair stood and waited for Lolide's family to let them in. A few moments later a young girl, looking no older than six or seven, hesitantly pulled the door open just a crack. Seeing the other elf, she pulled the door open wide, jumped into her arms, and started speaking to her in rapid elvish.

" Lolide! Lolide! You've come to visit! We haven't seen you in so long! It feels like a hundred years!"

" I'm sure it has been, my little one. Now, let me introduce you to my friend."

The young elf, noticing Harry for the first time, let out a loud squeak and hid her head in the older elf's robe.

" Is that a human, Lolide? I've never seen one before! Will he hurt me?"

" Of course not! He is my student and friend. This is Harry Potter. I am teaching him the elven ways, and he is with me now to help improve his skills."

She turned to Harry and motioned towards the little girl. Again speaking in the elven tongue, she addressed the nervous boy.

" Harry, relax! You don't need to be afraid! This is my little sister, Gaerwyn. She has never seen a human before, so she's a little scared. Why don't you come over and say hello?"

Hesitantly, the boy made his way over the little girl. Lolide set her down on the floor in front of her student, and waited for him to make the first move. She could see he was hesitant about speaking to her, as he didn't want to make a fool out of himself by making mistakes. Gesturing to the now even more nervous young elf, she saw Harry resolve himself and speak to her sister.

" Hello, Gaerwyn, I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you."

" Hello Harry," she said back, " I have never seen a human before."

" Well, later, I will tell you all about my world, how does that sound?"

Gaerwyn instantly brightened and threw her thin arms around the startled boy. Lolide just smiled, before ushering the pair through the door and into her home. Coming to see what the delay at the door had been, the group nearly ran into two older elves. Lolide immediately embraced them

" Mother! Father! I haven't seen you in so long!"

" You should come visit us more often, Lolide, your sister especially has missed you greatly."

" So I have seen. Let me introduce you to a student of mine," her she motioned towards Harry, who neither of the older elves had spotted, " He is my student at Hogwarts, and a time traveller from the future. He will only be here for the human time of one year, which is almost over. In his time, he tells me the elves and the humans have no relations, but he does not know why. Upon his return, he wishes to rebuild the bridges between our people. I agreed to help him, by teaching him our ways and our tongue. I thought, as he has only a year to learn, that bringing him here would help him boost his confidence."

" A human knowing elven ways! Lolide, please tell me you have not shared our magic?!"

" Father, I have taught him everything. I forbade him from telling his friends, who are like a family to him, from the start. He has kept our meetings a secret. I trust him, father, and wish to see elves and humans living in harmony once again in the future. I believe he is the best for the job."

" Well, if you are sure, my daughter."

" I am."

Walking over to the fidgeting boy, Lolide's parents bowed slightly.

" Welcome to our home, young Harry. I am Kaiari, and this is my wife, Ginavive. We hope you have a pleasant stay with us."

Harry bowed back, and offered his open hand in an elven sign of peace and gratitude.

" I am honoured you will be sharing your home and your lives with me, Master Kaiari."

Lolide stood to one side, looking pleased. Harry had used the correct response and gestures used in her culture, and she smiled when she saw the surprised yet pleased looks on her parents' faces. Nodding to Harry to show her approval, she headed deeper into her home, the rest of her family trailing behind her.

The seven days Harry spent with the elves passed far too quickly for his liking. In just a short week, he had become very attached to Gaerwyn, to whom he had told countless stories about his life. The young elf had been enchanted by the tales he told of his time, and his first few years at Hogwarts. She had squealed in joy when he had shown her his animagus form, and screamed slightly when he turned invisible. Much to Kaiari and Ginavive's annoyance, Harry had taught invisibility to the little girl, making it much easier for her to cause mischief. In return for teaching her about humans, Gaerwyn had told Harry all about Falaryth, and all of the other cities in the elven world. She had taught him skills, such as fishing and hunting, as well as introduced him to all of her friends. Lolide had continued his training in the evenings, and he was making amazing progress in the elven language. At first he had been hesitant, but the family had been patient, correcting his mistakes when he made them. Lolide's parents agreed with her theory that Harry had some elven blood somewhere in his ancestry, as he had taken to their ways much quicker than a normal human would.

Eventually, much to Harry's dismay, it was time for them to return to Hogwarts. Each of the four elves gave him a gift before he left. From Ginavive he received a beautiful hand crafted bow and quiver of arrows. From Kaiari he received a beautiful sword and scabbard. The blade glowed slightly blue when he was in danger, and he was very impressed with the craftsmanship. From Lolide he acquired a set of lightweight elven armour, which fitted much like a second skin, and felt as if it wasn't there. It weighed next to nothing, and didn't restrict his movements in and way, but was near to impossible to breach. It could withstand blades and arrows, as well as many human curses and hexes. Lastly, Gaerwyn gave him his most precious gift. A lightly glowing purple transportation stone, allowing him access to the elven world. After a long good bye and a lot of hugs from Gaerwyn, the elf and the human returned to Hogwarts in a flash of purple light.

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