Chapter 28: Birthday Treats

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Harry and Gryffindor entered the Great Hall to find only the other students at dinner. Lolide was still in the infirmary, and the other two founders were still at the herbology convention. When Harry's friends saw the state they were in they came over, Gallatea wrapping her boyfriend in a hug.

" What happened?" Hermione asked.

" It's over."

" What's over?" Ginny asked, bewildered.

" Slytherin's gone."

There was an immediate uproar. All four of them were asking questions at once.

" What?"

" What do you mean?"

" Gone where?"

" Why did he go?"

" Did you fight?"

" Where were you?"

" Are you alright, Lord Gryffindor?"

This last question brought everyone's attention to the remaining founder. He was starting to turn an odd grey colour and was lightly wheezing. His lips were an alarming shade of blue, and he was tightly clutching his left arm. Harry's eyes widened in comprehension as the man fell to the floor. The Boy-Who-Lived took charge, turning to his friends.

" He's having another heart attack. It must have been the stress of the battle. Ron, I need you to run to the hospital wing and get Lolide. Tell her he's in arrest and to bring the olbas root and kraken tooth salve. Ginny, Hermione, help me to make him comfortable, we can't move him or it might make it worse. 'Tea, I need some blankets and a cool cloth."

Nobody moved.

" NOW!"

The group scrambled to do as they were asked. Gryffindor was laid out on the floor, as comfortably as possible. After a few minutes Harry started to get impatient.

" Where's Lolide! If she doesn't get here soon, he's not going to make it."

Harry waited for another couple of minutes before reaching a decision. She's not going to get here on time. I'm going to have to start. Sitting cross-legged at Gryffindor's head, he held his hands out over the founder's chest and started to chant in rapid elvish. Hermione, Ginny and Gallatea watched in astonishment as a faint green glow started to form in Harry's hands, before spreading all over Gryffindor's body. As it spread, the dying man seemed to relax a little, as if the pain was dissipating. Their attention was taken away from the strange sight by Lolide and Ron running into the room. As soon as she spotted the chanting boy, the elf ran over and joined him. While Harry continued to chant, Lolide took out the items she had brought and started to use them to perform various spells.

It took over an hour before the pair stopped their spells and collapsed back onto the floor, exhausted. Harry had continued the same chant the whole time, keeping the pain away and preventing the problem from spreading. Lolide had been repairing the damage with a mixture of spells and medicines. The other four occupants of the Great Hall had sat at the Ravenclaw table, debating on what was going on, and speculating on how Harry knew elven healing magic. As soon as the healing was through, Ron ran over to help. He levitated Gryffindor, motioning for the girls to get the other two, and headed for the hospital wing.

The next day Harry awoke with a pounding headache. Opening his eyes, he instantly regretted it when the bright sunlight streaming through the windows increased the pain in his head. After a few minutes he tried again, opening them more slowly. This time there was no pain, and he looked around cautiously. Eventually, he looked up, and saw a familiar crack running across the ceiling. The hospital wing, just what I need, he thought. Looking to the side he could see the bed on his right was occupied by none other than Godric Gryffindor. Memories of the day before suddenly flooded back and he winced when he thought of the questions that would come from his friends when he next saw them. He knew Lolide wouldn't be pleased that he had revealed his training either. Just then, the door to the infirmary banged open and the four students, plus Lolide, came in. Harry was very surprised when a smaller form peeked out from behind the elf.

Amulet of time 1: The Age of The FoundersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora