Nightly Walk

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Here Comes the Sun, Do Dun Do Do
Here Comes the Sun and I Say
It's All Right
Little Darling, It's Been A Long, Cold, Lonely Winter
Little Darling, It Feels Like Years Since It's Been Here

Toby always believed he would never be good enough to amount to anything, much less being a boyfriend to anyone. He had always assumed he'd end up dying alone somewhere in a ditch or something; a fear that only heightened when becoming a Proxy for the Operator. He wasn't worth such frivolities, after all; not worth the love or time, or even a second glance from anyone -- much less two people. So he was surprised when he came to find out that Masky and Hoodie had such romantic feelings for him.

He had long since known Hoodie and Masky were what one considered to be an item. It wasn't something totally unknown to those residing at the house, but also not something that was outwardly shown. They rarely showed outright signs of their little engagement; however one could easily notice Tim resting a hand on Brian's shoulder during a movie in the living room during house movie night when they thought no one would notice. Brian sneaking his free hand onto Tim's knee or thigh during breakfast thinking no one would see it under the table. Small kisses on the cheek, or a hug when one finally returned from a mission. They were small, but obvious, and never did they try to deny those feelings or scold those making fun of it to them (in joke, of course).

But Toby hadn't quite realized were the eyes burning with lust at his back, or the soft whispers from the two of him when he slept in their shared room; his name coming up commonly in their little discussions. Not the carefulness of Brian as he helped bandage up his newest additions from self harm when he had breakdown or when he held him during such a breakdown, nor Tim often backing off other residents that chose to mock or make fun of Toby when he wasn't in earshot to hear even though Tim often acted as though he despised the ticking teen. He didn't seem to realize that the talks he had with Brian that lasted well into the night were more than just the hooded figure having nothing better to do, nor that Tim wasn't just putting up with him when he 'allowed' Toby to go on his morning walks with him.

But then again, Toby was always rather aloof when it came to those things, nor was he the greatest at expressing his feelings. Especially those kinds of feelings. So he opted to wallow in his self pity and hope to eventually succumb to old age or whatever mental instability decided to take him before that time came. At least, until he actually started to come to his senses.


It had started, Toby would recall, a few nights after Tim had left for another mission, leaving just Toby and Brian in their now seemingly empty room. Toby found himself unable to sleep while Brian laid on his and Tim's shared bed across the room, fast asleep in his own little dreamland. Toby almost found himself jealous of the fact that Brian could sleep so easily. He almost wished he had such an ability; but both the voices and raging nightmares rarely allowed him peace in slumber for more than a couple of hours. So, naturally, Toby thought the best way to alieve this was a nightly walk. Granted, he was so used to going with someone else -- mainly Tim, but he probably wouldn't be back for another day or two, and it wasn't like it was a good idea to wait that long to try and sleep. The masked man might start berating him again if he passed out on one of their walks.

So Toby quietly made his way out of bed, careful not to wake Brian as he gathered his jeans and jacket and swiftly pulled them on as he exited; making sure to grab his mask and goggles off of his dresser on the way out and pulling them on as well. His shoes were waiting at the door for him as he made his way downstairs and -- much to Toby's glee -- the only one lying sleepily in the living room was Smiles. The red and mangy canine lifted his head tiredly as Toby struggled to put on his shoes, however seemed to awaken instantly as Toby grabbed the doorknob with one hand, gesturing to the dog to follow him with a hushed, "C'mon, Smiles! Walk?"

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