Meet the discord

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  I met something.cos through my good friend Cinno. Cinno has been my friend for about 4 years, so we would text each other and go on video calls. As I'm video calling her, she's with her family member Something.cos. This is when we first met. Something.cos has a tik tok that I followed.

  I came into the discord kinda worried because I didn't know if there were adults in there. So I came in, And someone welcomed me. Their name is rainydaycosplay. I felt welcomed into the group immediately. We continued to talk about what I liked, sadly I had to go, but I was excited to come back to the discord to see what would happen next.

  I would see Something.cos, cinno, and rainy talking in the discord. But I wouldnt see anybody else, the ones who joined wouldn't really talk. I remember my first call, it was with Something.cos. I was nervouse but he was nice so I felt more comfortable. He didn't know what to call me, but my profile was spinel, "I dont know what to call you, so I'll just call you spinel!", he said with a joyful voice. I felt good about that name, and stuck with it ever since.

  I was doing the dishes, and Cinno came with a new friend. "Cinno! Who's that?", I asked while putting a dish away. "This is my online bestfriend Maelynn!" She said with a smile. "Hi..", Maelynn said with a shy voice. I have never heard of Maelynn before, I had to make sure she was good.

"Do you watch steven universe?" I asked

"Yeah, I do." Maelynn answered back to me. YES, I could already tell things were going to run smoothly. Soon enough more came in like, Blackskull_176, Fluffy, and some others that dont really talk. But let's get into the story.


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