~Imagine Twelve~

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Warnings: None

Prompt: Spencer Reid's letter confessing his love to you

Third Person

"Dear (Y/N),

As my best friend, you know me well. That includes the fact that you know I'm better with writing than talking so here I go. When I think of when we spend time together I instantly smile no matter what. When I'm alone the thought of you makes me the happiest person of this time.
You are like drinking champagne, in the moment when the tingling water touches the lips you want more. As if to reach for the stars, that's how it is with you. Stopping is not available because you can not. When you spend the night at my house when I wake up and lie next to you, I just watch you, your beauty, which you are not aware of. Your beauty, your charming character, your beautiful smile.

Basically (Y/N), what I'm trying to say is that I am madly in love with you. Thinking back to when I first noticed this feeling I noticed that it was when you were new on the team. You were wearing a light purple sweater, whitewash boyfriend jeans, and black converse with socks that had lavender stems. You came up to me with that beautiful smile of yours and asked me if Derek actually gets as many girls as he says. I think I fell in love with you after you said that because with Derek's confidence everybody always believes what he says. That's how I knew you were different. Special even.

If you don't feel the way I do, that's completely fine. I totally understand, I just figured I should tell you before it's too late and we can just pretend this never happened. If you do feel this way, I encourage you to tell me, please.

With love, Spencer Reid"

Spencer folds the letter, places it in the white envelope resting on (Y/N)'s desk, seals the envelope, and scrawls (Y/N)'s name on the envelope in light blue ink. He taps the envelope and licks his lips, a nervous tick of his, and slinks away to his desk.

Approximately an hour and thirty minutes later (Y/N), Derek, Hotch, JJ, Garcia, and Prentiss walk into the bullpen and at their respective desks except Morgan and Garcia came and sat with (Y/N) and continued their conversation. Derek went to sit against (Y/N)'s desk and felt the corner of the envelope poking him.

Spencer could see Morgan hand the envelope to (Y/N) and since she was seated at her chair facing the flirtatious pair they couldn't see the envelope. Spencer watched as (Y/N) read the envelope and only turned his head when she coughed.

(Y/N) could be heard by Spencer saying she has to go take care of something. (Y/N) walks out of the bullpen and straight through the lobby. Spencer could swear he saw a tear trickle down her face. Deep in thought, regretting his actions because the last thing he would want to do is make her sad he almost didn't hear the ringtone (Y/N) picked out for her contact when Spencer got a new phone.

He sees a text from (Y/N) and it says "Meet me outside of the building". He grabs his jacket since its getting colder and rushes to meet you outside.

When he catches her gaze at him he notices that her tears aren't of sadness. They're of joy. She feels the same way he does. When she sees him she rushed into his warm embrace ranting about how she feels and that nobody's ever done anything so nice for her. Spencer has conflicted feelings. He should be joyous that his dream girl loves him back but at the same time he's upset because how could this be the nicest thing the amazing, beautiful, compassionate girl in his arms has been given? He decides to be in the moment and hugs her back tighter.

She partly breaks the hug and looks up at him. Hesitantly he asks "(Y/N), c-can I kiss you?" She looks at him with a smile spreading on her face. She grabs the middle of his tie and softly pulls down on it to kiss him.

When she pulls away they both feel a sudden cold that the weather hadn't provided. It was the cold of their lips missing each other

A/N: AHAHA okay I'm so sorry for the cringe end! I had to hurry and clean my room :)

Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now