~Imagine Six~

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Warning: None

Prompt: Spencer Reid reads to you 

Narrators POV

Six members of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI had just finished a case and are now headed to their government-funded private jet. As they get on the jet, Spencer calls the couch and his girlfriend, (Y/N) asks if she can join him to which he replies with a soft "Of course, love." 

She grabs her dark blue blanket from the overhead compartment, draped her leg across his chest and rests her head on his right shoulder, and lays the blanket over both of their laps.

As they both lay like this Spencer wonders why (Y/N) hasn't asked him to read to her. Normally she asks every chance she could. At home, on the metro, the jet the park, everywhere that was convenient for both of them.

As they both lay like this (Y/N) wonders why she hasn't asked Spencer to read to her yet. Normally every time they had free time he would find himself reading to her by request. Maybe she was scared. scared that he would say no. Scared that he would get angry and say that her constantly asking for him to read to her is annoying. Maybe she was nervous that he would say no and she'd be left embarrassed by the rest of the team, even though they were all still asleep except for her and Spencer.

She decides to swallow her nervousness and ask him to read to her. She lifts her head so that they are facing each other. Spencer asks her what's up and she quietly says "C-can you please read to me?" His face falls a little because he realized why her voice faltered. 

She was scared he'd be mad if she asked. He "picks up" his face and with the same volume of his voice as the girl cuddled p to him he says "Of course princess, by the way, you should be scared to ask me to read to you by the way I love reading to people. Especially you, (Y/N)." (Y/N) giggles and says "thank you." Spencer grabs the book sitting on the table and reads the cover. "(F/B/N). Your favorite". He starts reading and as he's reading (Y/N) can't help but think she got really lucky to have Spencer Reid by her side. 

Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now