~Imagine Eight~

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Warnings: None

Prompt: Your POV on Imagine Seven

Your POV

I can't believe that Hotch had paired Reid and me for an undercover mission date type thing! It's not like I don't like him, trust me, I like him very much I was just hoping that our first fate wasn't something on the job. I was hoping for something like picketing out books for each other and reading them together over coffee.

for this undercover mission, hotch said that we had to be a couple completely head over heels in love with each other since that's who the unsubs targeting.

after I leave the bathroom shed of my work clothes and into a maroon dress that stops mid-thigh and matching shoes with Emily because she had done my hair and makeup I see Reid.

He's changed out of his normal sweater vest and is now wearing a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tucked into a pair of black slacks and he's wearing professional-looking shoes. He looks great. Maybe if we ever go on a real date I can convince Derek to convince him to wear what he's wearing. 

I haven't taken the time to notice this before, but his forearms are super muscular. It's always a good day when Spencer Reid has his sleeves rolled up. Shoot, he probably noticed me staring. He says "You look great, (N/N)" I respond with the most basic answer on Earth and say "Thanks, Reid, you don't look too bad yourself. "

As Hotch prepped us in the car, I can't shake the feeling that somebody is watching me. Not in a "walking to my car after work and its dark" feeling but in a "somebody cute who's not a creep is looking at me" feeling. 

When we get there I notice that Spencer is lost deep in thought so I put my hand on his knee and that seems to knock him out of it. 

Walking to the restaurant, I noticed that Spencer was nervous so I grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze. For some reason, I don't let go. Maybe it's the part of me that's that doesn't want to break cover. I know that the real answer is that I don't want to let go of his hand because let's face it, he has really soft hands.

I hear Spencer asking for seats at the bad and as we're getting directed to or seats, I feel Spencer squeeze my hand. Maybe he could sense y nerves through my hand. I wouldn't be surprised if Gideon had taught him that. They were always so close. I look up at him and smile as we sit down and start talking.

As we're talking I see him reach into his jacket and pull out my (f/f). How did he remember what my favorite flower is? I finish talking and I hear him say "I brought this for you. I remember you and Penelope talking about flowers and you mentioned this one is your favorite." I smile at him, his thoughtfulness, and his eidetic memory and say "Oh, Spence, it's beautiful, thank you, but how did you remember?" he told me that even without an eidetic memory he wouldn't forget. I smile and decide now or never. "Hey after this case is wrapped up, would you maybe want to go on a real date with me?" He smiles and says "(Y/N), I would love to go on a real date with you.". We continue our mission and start coming up with date ideas and through our earpieces, we can hear Derek talking to Penelope and I hear the crinkling of what sounded like money. I look at Spencer and he lets out a laugh with me then the following suit. 

Our real date is going to be fun, I can just tell.

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