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JJ Pov

I wake up as soon as I feel Emily moving

"What's up angel are you okay?" I ask her as she holds her stomach

"I just got my period" she says sadly

"Oh, baby com here" I say opening my arms

"We will try again okay" I add kissing her check

"I really wanted to get pregnant on the first try" she sobbs in my arms

"Shh, darling, let it out" I muttered in he ear

"We have to go to work" she says as she tries to get out of my embrace

"Where are you going?" I ask her keeping her in my hold

"Hotch gave us permission to get out of the case" I add as I give her a kiss on her lips

"How is your head?" I ask her as I kiss her neck

" It hurts a little" she says with a moan

"Here, take this" I hand to her a pill with a glass of water

She takes them, swallows the pill and feels back into the bed

"Today you are going to take it easy" I say as I go out of bed and head to the bathdroom

"Can't we at least go out" she yells

I go back to the bed and take her in my arms

"No darling, the bright light is going to make your headaches worse" I say as I hug her close to me

"Mhh, and how do you know that?" She asks me

"Don't you remenber that old case we had with the vampire singer?" I ask, hoping she remembers

"Oh, yeah, you got a contusion from the victims best friend and with a sovel" she tells me remembering

"I'm sorry, that I didn't stay with you, when I visited" she tells me

"Don't worry darling, with you and Garcia coming and going, the only time I was alone was while I slept" I say chucking

Emily's phone suddenly rang and before she took it, I bet her to it and answered it whitouth looking at the called

'Emily?' The person on the other lines says

'Im JJ ,sorry, Emily can't get into the phone right now, but I can tell her to call you back' I answer

'Tell her than when she gets back, she has to go on a date with my collages son' she commands me

'What?, who do you think you are?' I asked her completely shoked

' I'm her mother, tell her that as soon as she gets back from where she is right now to call me back to arrange her looks' she states

Getting furious with this women, I decided to lie her, so she leaves my poor angel alone forever.

'Didn't she tell you that we are currently expecting a baby?'I ask as Emily smirks

'There is no problem, she can marry the guy and say that the baby is theirs, who is the baby's father, no, don't tell me, I'm sure she doesn't know' the monster in the other line says

With very little patience in me, I try to calm donw before I kill her, Emily notices it and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze

'I'm the other mother of that child and we are going to get married as soon as she or he is born' I state

'I won't tolerate this, put my daughter on the phone right now' she tells me

'I'm afraid that I can't do that right now ambassador, goodbye and don't call her again' I say as I shut the phone and delete that monsters number

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