The driver

628 18 2

JJ Pov

I wake up to my ringing phone

'Yes?' I ask completely unaware of my surroundings yet

'We have a case sorry for disturbing your vacations but we need the both of you here as soon as possible' Hotch voice sounds from the other line

'Sure, but we won't be there until six hours by car' I state thinking at all the time we had to spent to arrive here

'That's why I send the jet, we will be arriving at the airport in 30 minutes' he explains

'Okay, we'll be there soon' I say and hung up my phone

"Who was that?" Emily ask me as she turns around

"It was Hotch baby, we have a case" I tell her

"Okay and how long do we have?" She ask looking at me

"There's no time for that baby, we have to be at the airport in 30 minutes " I tell her as I go to the bathdroom

When I come back Emily is no longer in bed, so I go downstairs were she is chatting with my mom

"Such a shame that you have to go Emily" my mom tells her

"Yeah, I also wish that serial killers respected vacation time" I respond from the doorway

"Do you want breakfast Jenny?" Mom ask me

I shake my head, knowing that I have time to eat something on the jet

"I already made our suitcase, when you finish changing we go" I tell Emily as I go back upstairs to check if there is something I left behind

When I finish, I go back to the kitchen where mom is cleaning the dishes

"Don't leave her side, this job is very dangerous and more when someone you love can get hurt" she tells me

" I know mom I won't let anything bad happend to any of them" I assure her

"I'm ready let's go" Emily announces entering the kitchen, I nod and hug my mom

Emily does the same

"Take care of yourself Emily" mom tells her

"I will, goodbye Sandy" she responds

"I expect more visits from the both of you girls" Mom says as she stood at the front door watching entering the car

"Of course mom, we will try to come wherever we have a few days off" I say, she smiles and waves at us

We arrive fairly quickly at the airport and the jet is already waiting for us

"Hey Em, before we go in there, when do you want to tell them about the baby?" I ask her, wanting to make sure we are on the same page

"I was thinking that we could wait until we check it with a doctor at home, so when we finish this case" she tells me

"Okay whatever you want, oh and one more thing" I say as I take her suitcase from her

"Jayje let me have my bag, they would suspect something " she says

"I don't care, I'm going to take care of you and that means not carrying heavy things" I tell her

"But that's not-

"Let's go they are waiting for us" I say as I start walking towards the jet

When we arrive all of them are looking at us

"What?" I ask confused

"Trouble in the paradise?" Derek smirks

"We are perfectly fine" I respond as Emily passes through me without saying anything

"We can see that" Rossi comments

I go where she is seated, I can tell that she is mad at me


"If I want to carry my own bag I carry it, I don't need anyone to do that JJ and if there is a next time I promise that I'll dump you" she tells me


"No, I don't want to hear it" she states

I nod at her and Hotch call us to explain the case

"Garcia please" he says

"Okay, we are going to a
Arizona, there have been five murderers, the last victim was in a pool of her
own blood and the husband was killed by a car crash, the police think that its the same
unsub" Penelope explains

"Victimologi?" Hotch states

"The unsub wants the wifes to suffer, whereas he kills the male with the car, that is extrange" Emily says

"Wait how do we know that the unsub is male" Morgan ask

" Men have a unbreakable bond with their cars" Emily adds

"Thats true" I say

"A nice car needs love" rossi replies

"And a woman doesnt?" Emily reply smiling

"I'm not qualified to answer that" Rossi says

"Yeah, and that's why you have JJ" Garcia jokes

"When we arrive, Morgan and JJ go to the crime scene, Prentiss, Reid and Garcia to the station and Rossi and I to the morgue" Hotch  states

As Hotch assigns everyone our ways, Emily goes back to her seat, while I follow her

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't had done that, I know that you are capable of doing things but I want you to be as relaxed as possible" I tell her taking her hands in mine

"I may have overreacted a little, I guess the hormones are kicking in early" she mutters in my ear

"I can't wait until this little one is here" I mutter in her ear giving her a kiss to her check

"We have a lot of waiting to do" she says smiling

"Now why don't you take a little nap, I'll wake you when we arrive" I tell her as I play with her hair

"You know that's not a bad idea" she mutters closing her eyes

"Baby, we have arrived" I shake her a little

"Yes, I know" she says as she opens her chocolet eyes

"Em, the genius and I are ready to go, he drives" Penelope appears with a very colourful bag

"Bye jayje, be safe" she says as she goes with Garcia and Reid to the station

I go where Morgan is waiting and enter the car

"How long is the drive?" I ask him

"It's near, about five minutes taking some shortcuts" he states as he drives

"Is everything solved?" He ask me referring to the discussion between

"Yeah everything is fine, just a silly argument" I tell him smiling

"Hey Jayje how is the-

Just as Morgan was asking the question another car came from the other direction

"Morgan look" I yell

"What?" He ask

Before I could signal him the other car crash into our car

And the last thing I see is darkness around me

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