To Many Questions

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Jeremy opened the door and had this some what plesent yet suspicious grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. I walked through the double doors and reached the medal detectors. Jeremy following right behind me like a lost pup. He was mumbling somthing under his breath but i couldnt quite understand what he was saying. I guess he was feed up with me ignoring him cause the next thing i knew he swung me around to face him.

Cali: What are u doing... Dont touch me!

(For a second he reminded me of my abusive ex boyfriend... I was terrified)

Jeremy: Whoa calm down I just wanted to ask u something...

Cali: What!!??? What could u possibly want??

(Jeremy with hands up like he surrenders)

Jeremy: I know it aint my place... (scratching his head), but I notice ur eye. Are u all right?? (He genuinely looked concerned)

I NEVER in my life had someone look so concerned about me. And its crazy because i literally just meet the dude 20 min. ago.

Cali: Yea ur right it isnt ur place... So just...just leave me alone n stay away!!

I stormed off leaving him there in a state of shock.

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