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Warning: Grammer Mistakes & Unedited
Enjoy :)

After remembering that horrible moment. For some reason all the hurt, pain, and embarrassment came flooding back to me. Lucy apologize to me and tried to make up for her act. But after what she said it was just to much to bear. I promised myself after that moment that i would never feel pain like that again. I learned that in this world you cant trust nobody. And that all I got is me, myself,and I.

Lucy: Cali...Cali hello...*snaps*

I was so lost in my flashback I completely blackout. When I got back to reality and saw Lucy staring at me in amusement. I just rolled my eyes grabbed my last little bit of papers and walked off.

Lucy: Cali...Cali wait!! I need to talk to you!!

As Lucy was shouting after me down the hallway. I completely ignored her and sped up my pace. As I was charging down the hall like a speeding bull. I didnt notice the door opening. And planted face first right into it and fell. "Oh great" I mumbled to myself. Laying there on the ground not wanting to move. The door immediately shut and standing behind the door was a tall, muscular, greenish, gray eyes, dark haired boy. He was the most gorgeous thing I've ever laid my eyes on but I couldn't show it. I was at a loss for words.

Sexy Boy: Oh Shit im sorry ma you ight'?

Cali:...*rubs temples* *turns around*

For a second i had to look around to see if he was talking to me. Of course hes talking to you stupid!!

Cali: *groans*

Sexy Boy: *out stretches hand* here ma let me help you up. My names Caden im the star quaterback for the Blake Riley Bears Football team"

He smirks expectedly *ugh* hes a cocky one If there is anything in this world I hate one thing sure is cocky people. I roll my eyes

Caden: Say ma whats wrong with your face??

*ugh* do anyone in this school know how to mind their business??

Cali:...Well its nice meeting you...Caden? See you around

I push past him and he grabs my arm

Caden: Say ma you dont gotta be so mean...just answer the question

Cali: Well im sorry "pa" but its none of your business so i'd appreciate it if you let my arm go

I say with much venom in my voice and and rolling my eyes forcefully pulling my arm back and pushing him away.

Caden: *holds up hands* Easy ma Im just checking up on ya, most girls are honored that i even talk to them. *smirks*

*ugh* I just wanna smack that smirk right off his face...jerk

Cali: Well how about you go bless one of those girls with your presence and stop pestering me!?

This kid got some nerve talking about "girls are honored" please

Caden: ah you a feisty one...say tell me ya name and ill go away

Cali: *sighs* My names goodbye

As I storm past him I hear a slight chuckle. That really annoyed me. Sliding down the hall making sure not to run into no one else. I hear him call "See you around Cali!" I can hear the amusement in his voice and just picture that cocky smirk on his face. Man why are there such assholes in this world??

My thoughts are interrupted by the 2nd period late bell. "Shit" I breathed out. Speeding up the pace I make my way up the stairs to room 207 History Mr.Shauns class. Entering the class late, and of course all eyes on me. Firstly im the "new girl" and second im late...great.

I hear and few whistles form the guys and snorts from the girls...haters. I hand Mr.Shaun my schedule. As he looks over it I scan the class intrigued. "Wow" there are really a lot of cute boys here. Better than the ones at my last school at least. Mr.Shaun breaks my train of thought as he begins to speak.

Mr.Shaun: Ah...late are we, but its fine its your first day. You are excussed... dont let it happen again please find a seat Ms....Walker.

I headed to an empty desk in the back left of the class next to this crazy looking goth girl. Now a normal person would be a little freaked out, but she didnt scare me because I use to be like her whe i was trying to find my identity in junior high. As I settled myself in the seat and all eyes still on me Mr. Shaun begins to speak

Mr.Shaun: As u may know in Mr. Shaun and this is room 207 History. In this room we are adventurers, we are explorers, we are time keepers, we are discoverers, and most importantly we are treasures. In this room you will learn all things from Mythology to the Seven Oceans, and way back to the B.C. timeframe, Evolution or Revolution??...In this class we have fun. In this class we tell stories and learn in new ways. In this very class we make History!! What ever happens in this class STAYS in this class. Capiché?

I nod my head in very uncomfortable silence ...awkward...

Mr. Shaun: Great...class pull out your ipads and copy of the smartboard.

I was soo not feeling this school. I was so exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I completely blackout and the rest of the day just dragged through.

After the final bell rang i was so happy to get out of Phys Ed. Jones had us doing suicides. Those are the worst. Getting to my locker I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Pulling it out I read the message. My face goes blank and my heart drops. *gasps* did he get my number??


Sorry I dont write that much. I've been caught up in other things. Im not really a writer. I just write cause I have things on my mind and I want to get them down. If the ending and writing is crappy im sorry :/ but let me know what yall think in the comment section and help me out....*sidenote* all criticism is accepted :) thanks guys!! Have A Good One!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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