Chapter 9: The Facetime Time Call

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It's been about 2 weeks since I started school. Abby and the other A's are on vacation. So, me and Adam have been hanging out. He's really really great. I have been having a really fun time with him. Kitty seems to have been having a good time too.
Kitty556 had posted a new picture on Instagram: Caption: Summer Dance was SO MUCH FUN! Missing Hannah, though! Follow me on Snapchat.
Private message from Adam457: Yesterday was so fun at the bowling alley with you and your parents. You looked so pretty. See you Monday!
Jason has blocked me back. But Kitty has been keep me updated on her and Jason's life. She talks about him non-stop. He is probably hanging out with her, more since I'm not there. Which I'm fine with.
FaceTime call from Kitty 👯‍♀️
Decline Answer
"HANNAH!" Kitty yells right when I answer the phone.
"Hey, Kitty. What's up?" I say holding my ears from the sound.
"Nothing much, want to see my dress from the dance?" She angles the phone down.
"Of course! Oh, it's so pretty. Is- is that the dress I wore to the Pizza Shack?"
"OH, yea. I remember how when we saw you that day, Jason told me how you looked very pretty so I decided to wear it. I guess I looked really good because right when I walked in. He cried." So, he does miss me, good to know.
"Oh, yea. How is he, by the way?" I ask while moving my books onto the floor and off of my bed.
"Actually, I'm at his house." What did she just say?
"Is he near the phone?" I jump up and stand near my closet.
"Oh, no. He saw me calling you and he ran. Maybe because of how his hair looked." She laughs.
"Yea, definitely. So, guess what?" I make my way back down to the bed.
"I met a really cute guy; his name is Adam. He took me bowling and he drives me home every day. I'm just scared for what Abby's going to say when she gets home."
"Don't be. They are broken up, right? So it is really none of her business. But H, I'm so happy for you! I'll tell Jason, he will be so excited."
"NO, Kitty!"
"Oh, ok. I won't tell him. Right. A surprise. Trust me, a secret will be kept a secret."
"Thanks. Listen I got to go, but I'll talk to you whenever."
"K, BYE!"
You have ended your call with: Kitty 👯‍♀️
AHHHHHHHH. I throw my phone across the bed. And yell into my pillow. My room is mostly done now. It needs paint here and there. But the only thing that crosses my mind these days is California. The smell of the ocean and Jason by me under the umbrella. In the beach chairs. Smoothies in hand talking about God knows what. I miss those days of relaxation. Not wondering about ex-girlfriends and makeup. To pass time, I take the necklace off and examine it closely. The words on the back running through my head.
"For what you seek will be found..."
What does it mean? What do I seek? I haven't lost anything. Doesn't matter. I put it around my neck and look in the full-body mirror. It's beautiful, no doubt about it. It doesn't seem really special.
As June comes to an end, exams at school become harder but vacation comes sooner. Florida schools are weird.

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