Chapter 2: The Diner

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Cas' POV

"Dude, I really don't want to work today. Should we just call in sick and hang out?" I ask Josh. We both work at the diner, and today I just don't feel like going to work.

"No, we both need the money. I need the money to fix my old ass broken truck and you need money so you can get a decent guitar, remember?" He's right I do really want a new guitar and maybe I could get a keyboard too.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." It's only 10 am so we still have a few hours before we have to go to work at noon. We're just sitting in Josh's basement playing video games, well Josh is playing video games and I'm reading my book.

Yeah I know I'm a nerd, but this book is super good. I just started it again for the fifth time this morning and even though I already know what happens I can't help but get excited.

After a while we have to head into work and we both get into Josh's truck, but since it's so old it doesn't want to start. Great, now we have to walk to work. We would've taken my car except I'm way too lazy to walk all the way to my house since I spent the night at Josh's so we could hang out before school starts in a week. We don't get to hang out much outside of school once it starts since he plays football and he always has practice.

Josh and I have known each other since we were like 4 and even though I'm technically older, he acts like my big brother. I tend to accidentally do stupid things that always end badly. Like last summer, I decided it was a good idea to jump off one of the rocks near the hidden mini lake in the woods. Let's just say that water was a lot more shallow than I thought. Also did you know it's possible for your foot to turn completely sideways? Well at least when you break it in three places.

That was a great summer though, minus the crutches and surgery, Josh had to take care of me all the time. I would always make him bring donuts to me, one time I even made him give me a piggyback ride. Yeah, that didn't turn out well, he may be a buff 6 foot tall football player, but it's kind of difficult to carry a lanky 6 foot 4 guy with a broken foot on your back. Moral of the story, I do dumb things sometimes... a lot of the time.

After a while we get to the diner only sweating a little from the hot ass summer sun. Jeez, global warming is no joke, it's hot as balls out here. I get inside as fast as I can to escape the heat, and I'm greeted with the nice cool air blowing on my face.

Josh and I get stuff ready for our shift. After a few hours of taking orders and a few rude customers I have to take the trash out. So I collect all the trash and lug it out to the cans out back. As I'm about to walk back inside I see someone at the edge of the woods on a motorcycle. They get off it and take off their helmet to reveal a gorgeous girl with short blond hair. She shakes her hair out and takes off her leather jacket. Oh my god, who knew someone taking off a helmet and stashing their motorcycle in the woods could be so hot?

I just slightly shake my head and walk inside. I try to get back to work, but I keep thinking about the girl with the short blond hair that went into the woods. After about 20 minutes of forgetting people's orders I decide, screw it, I'm going to go meet that girl. This isn't something that I usually do. Most girls just see me as a friend or a cute nerdy boy, so this probably won't turn out well but most things in my life don't so what's the harm?

I walk up to Josh suddenly while taking off my apron and throwing it at him. "I'm going on break." I say very quickly.

"Wha-" Josh starts but I don't hear the rest of his sentence because I'm grabbing my book and walking out the door. I need some excuse as to why I'm out there, so I figure saying I'm reading out there is a good enough reason.

I walk quietly through the woods until I near the edge before one of the big rocks that surrounds the mini lake. I probably look like a creep right now, but I don't care because damn this girl is beautiful and she likes to read! I admire her reading for a second before deciding to not be a creep.

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