Chapter 5: Nightmares

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Bella's POV

I wake up and I have no clue what time or day it is. My curtains are shut but some light is streaming in, so I'm guessing it's daytime. I've been avoiding being awake, but I just can't sleep anymore.

I turn over to find my phone. I guess I must've plugged my phone in at some point because surprisingly it's fully charged. I open my phone to see some Twitter notifications and a few text messages from Cas. I really don't want to have to think right now so I check Twitter and Instagram before finally looking at my texts.



Just checking if you're okay.


Sorry I don't want to bother you, just making sure you got home safely.

Okay, it's been a few days and I'm worried. Are you okay?

That last text was sent only a few minutes ago. I probably text him back just so he doesn't call the cops or anything.


Hey, sorry. I've just been super busy the past few days. I'm okay, don't worry.

I put my phone down and look at my ceiling. Sometimes I wonder if this is all worth it. Is living worth all this internal pain?

After a minute or two I get a text back from Cas.


Okay, good to know you aren't dead :)

That makes me smile a little. I check to see what time it is and it's already noon. I get up and head downstairs. I see my mom cleaning the already clean kitchen.

"Well, well, well. Look who has decided to join us finally. Don't you have things to do?" Mom asks me.

"Sorry, I guess I was really tired. Do you need any help?" I ask, I'm really trying to not start another fight.

"No, I'm already finished. And why are you asking? What do you want?"

"I'm just trying to be nice, jeez. And I don't want anything."

"You're just acting suspicious."

"I'm really not acting suspicious." I'm already over my mom being rude to me, "I'm going to get ready and then I'm going to go on a walk."

"Ok... you don't normally go on walks. Are you trying to lose weight? Because you should eat healthier foods." She says judgingly.

"No. I just want to go on a walk, okay?"

"Sure, just don't get kidnapped and be home before dark." She tells me carelessly.

That wouldn't be the worst thing, maybe they would kill me.

I go upstairs and change into some leggings and a t-shirt, then I just put my hair into two dutch braids because my hair is too short to do much else.

I go back downstairs and put on my tennis shoes. I walk out the door without saying bye to my mom. I don't really know where everyone else is but I don't really care enough to find out.

I put my airpods in and start playing some songs from my One Direction playlist. As I'm walking I zone out, eventually I realize that I should probably be paying attention to where I am. I look around and I have no clue where I am.

All I see is the road ahead of me and the trees on either side of me. I spin around and see the lights of my town, the road I'm on is raised up so I can see the whole town. It seems so small, small and suffocating.

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