Ch. 7; MAD max.

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(Jane rolled their eyes and walked out the room smirking, Jane had a plan and it wasn't good for Lucas. Jane walked into the room and saw Max sitting on the bed "Hey Max... we need to talk"...)

"Yeah what is it?"

Jane sat down on the bed right next to Max
"It's about Lucas"

"What about him?" she smiled, that smile angered Jane. "He claimed you," Jane said fast.

"Claimed me?"

"Yeah I don't know how to explain it. Like when people want something? Like a object?"

"Wait what?! He said I'm an object?!"

"Yes, he also said that not to trust you"


"Yeah and then when I tried to tell him not to say that he called me a bitch and kicked me out of his dorm"

"I-" A tear came down Max's eye she couldn't believe it, she started to really like Lucas again. She was always in love with him and she thought this was her chance. But after Jane told her that she was furious.

"Are you okay? Max?"

"Yes," Max said whipping her tear "He is just a stupid boy".

"Yeah personally I prefer girls"

"Well I'm straight so I have to deal with boys" Jane frowned.

"Well I don't have to"

"What do you mean?" Jane smirked hoping for a good answer.

"Who really needs a boyfriend? You know? I'm a strong independent women who doesn't need to worry about boys or anybody"

"Yeah" Jane said softly she really didn't want that answer.

Another tear came out of Max's eye she wanted to believe that without Lucas her life would still be great and then she remembered when they stopped being friends the first time. She was all alone and she felt empty inside, she thought it was fait that they ended up at the same college and that it would work this time. The words Jane told her broke her she loved him always had and if what she said was true it would truly crush her more. Suddenly she got a text message it was from Lucas, Jane looked at the redhead. "Who is it?"


"Don't answer"

"Don't I at least deserve to listen to him?"

"Oh!" Jane said dramatically.


"You don't believe me"

"It's not that, its just-"

"No you don't have to explain it to me go! Go text the boy who doesn't give a single damn about you"

Those words stopped Max, she didn't want to be alone again, if she texted Lucas Jane would be mad and if the stuff Jane said was true then she would not have any friends. Not Jane or Lucas. "Okay"


"I am not gonna text him, I believe you"



"But what?"

"Can I at least tell him not to text me anymore?"



Lucas💘: Hey Max! I was wondering
when are we gonna hang out again?

Max: Umm how about never
don't text me again.

Lucas💘: Max what?

~Back at Lucas's dorm~

"What the fuck?" Lucas said Will and Mike were in the room and they both looked at him.

"What?" Will said.

"Max, I asked her when she wanted to hang out again and she said never and to not text her again-"

"Oh shit- why?" Max asked.

"I don't know she blocked me"

"This might be a sign" Will said

"A sign?"

"Yes, a sign maybe it's time to look the other way" he winked.

"Will we have been over this I am not gay"

"You don't know untill you try, and lucky for you I am available" Will smiled.

"WILL!" Mike said.

"Ugh I tried"

"I have to go over there"

"Don't" Mike said.


"Because women always need time, apparently it's a rule, they are complicated"

Lucas looked at Will and Will punched Mike "Mike that was sexist" "My bad"

"Well I should give her time, not because what you said but maybe she is upset"

"Or on her period" Will then punched Mike again "Just shut up".

Lucas had no idea what to do so he sat on his bed watching tv.

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