Ch. 6; The Argument.

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Max woke up after an amazing sleep, she opened her eyes and was confused. She looked over and Lucas wasn't there she got up and noticed what she was wearing. A big hoodie and basketball shorts they were Lucas's. She saw a note at the side table.

"Hey Max I went for a workout you were drunk last night so i had you just slept in my bed" "Oh fuck!" Max said. "And don't worry nothing happened i slept in Mike's bed" Max breathed out in relief "Thank god!" She continued to read the letter "but next time don't drink to much, you get horny while you are drunk" Max hit her head with her hand "Well anyways i'll be there soon if you leave please lock up thank you!" She smiled and decided to text him.



Max: Hey Lucas I read the letter
thank you for letting me know, I am
also sorry about last night I must have
been a mess. Now I am embarrassed
but I really had fun last night hopefully
we can do it again. Well besides for the
drunk and horny part lmao!

Lucas💘: Well good morning
and last night was fun nothing to be embarrassed about we have all been
there but yeah we should totally do that
again besides the whole drunk
and horny part ;) .

Max: Yeah and thanks for like
not taking advantage it's very rare
to see that so thank <3 .

Lucas💘: Please do not thank
me for that, that's bare minimum
you shouldn't thank guys for doing
what there supposed to and yeah
sadly it is

Lucas💘: Glad you had fun though
and you might have hangover
there is medicine and Tylenol in
the cabinet help yourself and there
is water in the fridge bottled how you
like it and before you ask the recycle
is right by the fridge :) .

Max: Lol! Thank you so much,
you are amazing! See you later <3.

Lucas💘: See ya <3 .

Max grabbed her dress, shoes and purse and locked up. She walked into her room she saw Jane and smiled.

"Hey!" Jane said

"Hey, good morning"

"You're in a good mood"

"Yes, yes I am"

"What happened? Where were you"

"Lucas's dorm, actually we went out last night"

Jane's smile faded "Oh you did? like a date?"

"Well no but it felt like a date"

"You had fun?"

"A lot of fun" Max smiled and sighed she was so happy, couldn't say the same for Jane though.

~Time skip~

Jane was on the way to Lucas's room, passing Mike on the way there. "Jane hi?" he said "Hey Mike" "What are you doing?" "I need to talk to Lucas" "Oh ok the door is unlocked" "Okay thanks". Jane didn't even knock they opened the door and Lucas was laying on his bed.

"Jane what the fuck!"  he yelled

"Don't what the fuck me I should what the fuck you!"


"You went on a date with Max and now she can't stop talking about you!"

"First it wasn't a date second what was she saying?" he smiled.


"Sorry! But why do you care?"

"I told you I liked her and you told me I should stay away from her! And then you go out on a date with her?!"

"IT WASN'T A FUCKING DATE" he yelled which startled Jane. "Listen Jane i'm sorry, but you don't know Max"

"And you do?"

"Oh believe me I know her, more than her family more than anybody on this fucking planet! You shouldn't and can't get involved with her"

"Because you want to keep her for yourself?"

"Keep her to myself? She isn't a fucking object Jane. There is no claiming! She is a person! She asked to hang out so we hung out, it wasn't a date and the fact you came over here to yell at me because someone who obviously isn't into you hung out with me is a real bitch move!"

"So you're calling me a bitch?"


"You're a terrible friend"

Lucas laughed "I'm the bad friend you started a argument with me about a girl you barely know! The thing is you don't like her because of her personality you liked her because of her looks"

"I want to get to know her!"

"Well when you fall in love with her too then we will talk" he rolled his eyes not even realizing what he just said. Jane was in shock.

"What?" Lucas said.

"You are in love with her?"

"What?! No! Jane leave!"

Jane rolled there eyes and walked out the room smirking, Jane had a plan and it wasn't good for Lucas. Jane walked in the room and saw Max sitting on the bed "Hey Max... we need to talk"...

Suspenseful! Anyways sorry
for the wait, hope you liked this
chapter and it's drama because
there is gonna be a lot more 😉.
Okay bye!
~ @/ twitterbyler @/ strngerkai
on instagram.

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