Ch. 2; Roomates.

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Jane was nervous Jane stood by the door and was thinking, the first impression was everything. Jane walked in and spotted the redheaded girl that Lucas was talking to earlier. The girl turned around "Um hi I'm Max" she said quickly. "I'm Jane" The redhead then nodded. Jane walked to the bed and put their stuff on it to unpack.

"I'm gay," Jane said which startled Max "Uh ok" "And non-binary my pronouns are they and them" "cool"  "Well Pansexual You know I was just saying in case you were homophobic in case you don't want to live with a homosexual well that and I wouldn't want to live with a homophobic person so I figured you should know" "Um that's fine, I have no problem". Jane smiled.

"So you know Lucas?" Jane asked Max looked up at Jane and then looked at her clothes. "Yeah we are old friends, you know him?" "Yeah we are new friends well not new new we knew each other since 11th me and the party"  "The party?" "Its what we call our group there is Mike he is dating my twin brother Will who is also in the group there is Dustin, Lucas and me. We are all so close. We are about to go out if you wanna come and meet everyone well you already know Lucas but if you don't know nobody ye-" Jane got cut off "Nope I'm good" Max said walked by out the door.

Max walked to the library and went to rent a quiet room where if she needed space or the quiet time she can go in. She figured if she is gonna be living with Jane she needs it. "She talks too much," she said under her breath but someone was right by her. "Who?" the guy said, "No one," she said looking up. It was Will, she didn't know that though. "Oh you're that girl from earlier who was talking to Lucas" She then looked down. "I'm Will Byers!" he put his hand out she looked up and shook it.

"You're Janes's brother? I am there roommate" "Yeah I am you are?" "Maxine well call me Max" "Well Max you want to rent a room with me it will cost less I share a dorm with my friend Dustin he is a singer and I need quiet time to focus on my art". Max smiled "Yeah that would be great". They called the front desk lady out and they paid and she handed them the keys.

*Meanwhile at Lucas's and Mike's*

"So Lucas who was that girl you were talking to?" Mike said. "Oh she is an old friend, before I met you guys... She went to our school in 9th grade but left in 10th" "Well that was long ago I don't remember but she is pretty" he looked at Lucas and winked. "Yeah, really pretty" Lucas mumbled for Mike not to hear him. "But who knows anymore she is pretty she can probably have any guy or girl I don't know she wants and you know you can have any girl you want" "What is this about Mike?" "I don't know you seem awkward when you talk about her" "I just wanna unpack" "We are but it's just-" he was interrupted "Enough! I'm gonna go get some coffee and go to the library see you later"

Lucas walked to the café on campus and ordered he just got himself a coffee he normally doesn't drink coffee but it felt needed at the time. This was new a transition from home and he just saw his old bestfriend for the first time in a while. Especially how they left things off accouple years ago, maybe she forgot he thought. She seemed cool when he went up to her maybe its all good. He arrived at the library and he saw Max and Will talking. "What the fuck" he said not loud but someone still shushed him. They turned his way he ducked before they could see him. He saw them hug then part he was so confused since when did they know each other?. He saw Will leaving on the way to the door so he made a run for it.

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