3 | Admiring

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Watching him stream just admiring

Ever since you started dating Corpse, you loved to sit in his streaming room and just admire him. When Corpse is streaming, or even just playing games with his friends, you love being around him. When he's in his element and having fun, it puts a smile on your face like no other.

You like to sit on the small couch off to the backside of his gaming desk and just watch him. You like seeing him interact with his chat, laugh along with his friends, and just seeing him happy. Since he has no face cam, you often find yourself behind him with your arms around his neck.

You like to place your head on his shoulder to watch him play. Another thing he likes is when you comb your fingers through his hair while he's playing. He likes when you're close to him while he streams because it calms him down.

As you watch Corpse stream from your position on the couch, he looks over to you and mutes his mic. "You doing alright over there?"

You giggle, "Yeah, I'm doing good. You having fun?"

Corpse confirms, "I think I have a few more in me before I get so touch starved I scoop you away."

You roll your eyes and walk over to him, "Oh, don't be so dramatic." You place a soft kiss to the back of his head. "I can play with you hair if you'd like."

Corpse hums, "Can you sit with me while you do it?"

You nod your head and swing your legs over his, essentially hugging him while he plays. Corpse sighs in delight as you bring your hand up to run through his hair. "This is nice," he chuckles.

"Yeah, I like being close to you like this. I also now have a front row seat to your stream." You giggle.

"I'm going to unmute my mic now so I can talk to chat, so I won't be able to talk to you as much."

You hum, "I get it, baby. You don't have to explain to me."

Corpse nods his head as you shift your position so you can see his screen better.

"Okay guys, I'm starting to think it's Ludwig because of how hard he's following me. Or maybe he just thinks I'm the imposter. Who knows." He comments to chat.

You lean your head on his shoulder and hug into his side as you watch. You notice him take a peak down at you, and when you look up, he catches his lips to yours in a very short kiss.

You quietly giggle, and lean up to place a kiss over his eyepatch. He chuckles, and mutes his mic again. "You're adorable, you know that?"

You shake your head and place a soft kiss to his jaw. "I just like showering you in kisses."

Corpse giggles and runs his hand through your hand before placing a delicate kiss to your forehead. "And I like showing you in kisses."

"Hm, seems like we're perfect for each other, wouldn't you say?"

"I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." Corpse confesses.

You smile, feeling your heart soar as a meeting gets called on Corpse's screen, and he gets whisked away by the game.

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