The Desolation of Smaug

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Chapter 12

The Desolation of Smaug


Kili...I think he is dying! I don't know what I would do if he were to die... we ask around Lake-town but no one seems to care. Finally we go to the Master of the Men of the Lake asking for help. I can hear him talking to his second in command, Alfrid. He was blabbing on about how we were finally off his hands and either we would be eaten or he would "make a pretty penny." I feel like we came at the worst time.

"Help brother, he's sick!" I plead.

The Master only replies, "Is it infectious? Get back! Alfrid! Alfrid! Don't let them come any closer!"

"Please. We need medicine!" Ori says making one last stand.

That rat Alfrid, with his disgusting face says, "Do I look like an Apothecary?" By my beard I hate that man so much. My blood is boiling! Why the hell were they so nice to us! Now that the rest of the company is gone we stand for nothing...I know why. One simple little word can tell the story of this man, Gold. All he wanted was gold, didn't care for anything else. Alfrid continues, "Haven't we given you enough? The master's a busy man. He hasn't got time to worry about sick Dwarves. Be gone. Will you go on? Clear off. 

As we turn away I mutter something that I only hope I hear....actually let me amend that statement. I hope Alfrid and the Master hears it too, "Ishkaqwi ai durugnul (I spit upon your grave; not in elvish...its in Khuzdul the language of the Dwarves). 

There is only one other place we could go...Bard's house. He was probably going to send us off like everyone else did, but he is our only hope. Oin knocks on his door and Bard opens it, "No. I'm done with Dwarves. Go away."

"No, no, no! Please!" Bufur begged, "No one will help us. Kili's sick. He's very sick." Kili looked up at him and I was giving him puppy dog eyes...I can't live without my brother.


(Thorin's POV)

We sailed closer and closer to it. The Lonely Mountain. I can only imagine what Adrianna would look like if she was here right now...

She is probably off with that stupid princeling having the time of her life. Oh, Adrianna there is not a second that goes by that I don't regret what I said onto thee. I just want to sweep her off her feet and cradle her in my arms. With that Elfie Legolas it's going to be much harder. Mark my words, he is going to get what is coming to him. I will have Adrianna....she will be in her true place. With the Dwarves. 

We were now approaching shores and soon we would be on foot. We trudged up the hills, and went past rocks, and just kept on walking with haste. Only the sounds of our feet marching upon the solid earth were heard, everything was quiet. Too quiet. I remember in the days of old when you would have merchants and wanderers climbing up and down this terrain. I 'twas always busy, the hustle and bustle never slept it was on going forever. 

Finally Bilbo piped up, "So quiet..."

"Wasn't always like this you know. Once these slopes were lined with woodland. Trees filled with bird song," Balin joined in.

I finally speak to Bilbo, "Relax Master Baggins, we have food, we have tools, and we're making good time," I assured. I jogged forward and jumped up on a rock I was looking over dale.

"What is this place?" someone spoke up, I could not decipher who.

"It was once the city of Dale. Now it 'tis a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug," Balins words stung in my mouth. Smaug kept repeating over and over and over again inside my head. I could barely stand it.

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