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" Tawakkal is standing in front of the Red Sea as prophet musa (sal) did with an army behind him and dint even flinch knowing that Allah will get him through"

Is an Arabic term for trust : توكل
It is having full faith that Allah will take care of you even if it all seems impossible
It's believing that where I am or what happens, it's all by the will of Allah. He knows what's best for us and these phases of ease and trials are all part of a greater plan.
No ones perfect love, We all have desires; at some point or the other we need it so badly, be it a job, a house/place, a relationship But I also learnt we make plans and also we have Allahs plans for us. Our plans are according to our worldly desires and His are according to His infinite wisdom..
As things got difficult for me, I just realized that I need to trust Him with all my heart coz I knew he'd definitely give me what's best... and with trust it'll all be easy on you...
It's the "trust along with hope" that he'll give it to you if it's right and meant to for now and the hereafter.
And yeas I wouldn't tell you that I made my self stronger just as I went through or needed something.
Time made me realize;waiting made me ponder:)
I realized as things were difficult to take in,
There were times I cried. I broke down more than words could explain I had no one I could trust or open up to, sometimes faking up was so much difficult that you had to let your moods slip out but yeas I began to trust Him and go down to Him.
Alhamdulillah for it now:)
I won't say you I've reached my destination already I would be lying if I did but I just know that it'll surely be beautiful it's all a matter of trust in Him, He'll definitely make it easy for you and make sure it's all worth the wait♥️

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