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Normal POV

Yongho woke up with a massive headache, a groan escaped his throat before he looked around to see he was in his own bedroom in the palace. Yongho tried to sit up just as the door burst opened, it was Jia carrying a random tree trunk.

"I swear to God if you drop a single dirt in my room I'll throw you out to the pit."

Jia gasped before throwing the tree down and jumped on the bed hugging her brother tightly, "You're awake!" she squealed making Yongho groan, "Fuck you're crushing my ribs!"

Jia let go with a grin, "I'll call mommy and daddies!"

With that the youngest princess ran out of his room. Yongho looked down on his hand to noticed black veins forming on his skin, "Weird."

It didn't took him too long to have his mother and fathers to come in his room. Rachel went up to him instantly and brought him to a hug, "I was so worried, are you okay? You don't feel any pain?" she checked his whole body as Yongho just pushed her hands away. "I'm fine mom, for real." he replied before he made eye contact with Yoongi.

Before Yoongi could say anything a massive pain flow around Yongho's body. A loud scream startled them all as they stared at him, squirming on the bed. "W-what's happening to him?" Rachel panicked.

"Fuck! Get the kids out!" Namjoon shouted, Jungkook and Hoseok quickly pushed the other kids out of the room. "What's happening to Yongho hyung?!" Jihoon asked as Jungkook easily hoisted him over his shoulder. "Daddy will Yongho oppa be okay?" Taehee asked Taehyung who just sighed and patted her head, "He'll be alright, go wait in the living room okay?" he told her.

"Should we call unnie?" Jia asked Hani who frowned before taking her phone.

Meanwhile Yongho is being tied down by the vines that Jimin casted on him, its to prevent him from hurting himself even more. Yoongi came back holding a box filled with potions before he took a glass bottle of dark red potion. "Can someone please tell me what's wromg with Yongho?" Rachel cried out seeing Yongho screaming around in pain. As a mother is hurts to see her baby in pain but can't do anything about it.

"Yongho is a black magic user just like Yoongi, black magic is ancient magic which means it's powerful. Black magic users as they grow they'll have to go through this, the magic needs to neutralise with Yongho's magic aura. Yoongi went through it as well." Namjoon explained as he held Rachel close to him.

"If the black magic doesn't?"

"He'll die or much worse, get turned into a shadow walker." Jin answered next to her to which Rachel just sobbed.

"Yongho open your mouth!" Yoongi shouted as he held the bottle up to Yongho's mouth. His eyes slowly turned black, the black veins were even more prominent than before. Yoongi cursed out and then looked over Jungkook, "Hold his head." he said as the younger held Yongho's head from moving around.

Yoongi poured the potion into Yongho's mouth and covered it with his palm to prevent him from coughing it out. Yongho's body kept trashing around furiously this time, his voice slowly turned deeper and almost in an animalistic way.

Yoongi noticed this and widened his eyes in shock, "No, no, no, no!"

"Yongho! Fight it! You can do it damn it!" Yoongi shouted out to his son who either could hear him or not. Yoongi held him by the face shaking him to wake up, "You need to fight it! Fight it like you always fought me damn it!"

The rest watched Yoongi trying to shake Yongho awake as Jungkook stepped back with a frown, Jimin held him by the arm before shaking his head.

Rachel just watched her son transforming into a creature helplessly. Namjoon had to held her up since she'll fall down if he lets go.

By now, Yoongi's tears were running down his face as he desperately tried to call out his son. "Yongho baby, please... I can't lose you, I'm sorry if was too harsh on you please. Baby wake up." he cried out. Suddenly Yongho's screaming died down and his body fell limp, his eyes were opened and they could see it turning back into the red hue. His head tilted to the side as he laid unconscious.

The whole room fell into silence.

"H-he's..." Hoseok choked up on his words. Jimin noticed Yoongi's back sulking as he stared at Yongho. "Yoongi hyung..." Jimin called out as Yoongi's vision began to blur out, he didn't noticed he was crying until he felt a tear drop on top of his hand that has been grabbing Yongho's shirt.

"No, he's still alive." Yoongi whispered.

"Yoongi please..." Jin stepped forward to hold his shoulder but Yoongi just flung it away roughly, his teary red eyes glared at him. "He's still alive! I can fix this... I can... Yongho."

Rachel pushed Namjoon away as she fell down on her knees beside the bed holding him. "My baby... my poor baby." she cried out holding his limp body close to her hugging him.


Yoongi has locked himself up in his lab for the whole day. He refused to eat, sleep or talk to anyone. Not even Rachel his own mate. This of course concerns everyone but it was understandable, Yongho was his son and Yoongi couldn't  do anything to save his own son.

"Yoongi I'll leave your dinner here. Please at least take a sip of the blood." Jin spoke through the door of his lab before sighing. The castle was unusually quiet than usual, no bickering from the kids, no dragons stomping around the castle garden, now explosions from Yoongi's spell.

It was pin drop quiet.

Rachel sat on the chair while staring at the glass coffin in front of her. No mother should experience the death of her own child. Her eyes gazed sadly on her son's lifeless figure sleeping peacefully inside the coffin. Rachel wiped the tears with a napkin before standing up to place a soft and lingering kiss on top of Yongho's forehead before forcing a smile.

"Mommy loves you. Rest well."


wipes my tears

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