♠️ New Century 2 ♠️

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This new human era is very interesting, I sneaked out last night to look around. I know it's not mature but I can't help it especially since the last time we saw the humans is well, we were chased out.

"Damn those wolves." I grunted out and threw the book on the desk before I smelt a flower scent along with the smell of cinnamon. Frowning at the scent I walked back downstairs only to be greeted by our mate throwing Jungkook a cross necklace to his face.

Basic vampire facts, cross or made by any material won't affect us. Unless you soak it in high percentage holy water then maybe you get to leave a scar, but still not enough to kill a vampire. A royal one that is.

I just watched the two girls ran down the stairs passing my brothers who clearly were defeated by them. I just watched them got on a giant... bicycle and rode away quickly. Taehyung limped towards me while grabbing his crotch with a groan, I looked down at him and chuckled. "Seemed like our mate can handle herself." I said.

"Please, she doesn't need our protection... hell, that's one strong kick." He whined and leaned against the wall obviously in pain. Jungkook then came by smiling happily while holding the gold accessory in his hand. "I got a souvenir." he said making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, father says they're coming to pick us up by night time. I need to find my journal before we go."

Father eventually came with mother with a car, well that was what they told me. "This car has... airing system?" Jin muttered as we all sat inside feeling how cold it is, our parents just laughed at us. "We'll teach you how to drive but for now, let's celebrate your arrival! Dinner for us!" mother cheered as we all stared at each other with a smile.

It does feel good to be back isn't it?

"And that is all for Chapter Two." Nana grinned as Namjoon patted her head affectionately. "Speaking about dinner, I'm hungry." Hani spoke up while patting her belly, "Well it is almost dinner time. How about we eat first and then continue with the story later?" Jin suggested as they all cheered.

"Yongho hyung cooked by the way." Jihoon whispered to Yoongi who then looked over his nonchalant son who has Jia and Taehee pulling him to the dining room. Yoongi just smiled at his son's behaviour.

"An exact copy of you."

He turned around to see his beloved wife standing next to him. "Hey, I wasn't this emo you know?" he defended himself only to earn a scoff from you. "Please Yongs, we all know the truth. Come on, let's go eat." you said pulling him by the hand as well.

Dinner went well, they all enjoyed the food Yongho cooked and threw him compliments which ended up making the boy's face heat up in embarrassment.

"Shut up."

"I miss Ara unnie." Jia sighed as she played with the mashed potato on her plate, Jin sighed afterwards at the mention of his daughter. Since you sat next to him you held his hand under the table giving it an assuring squeeze. "Unnie said she'll be back during Halloween. Just in time for the blood moon festival." Hani added as she shoved a piece of chicken in her mouth.

"Is she still in Santorini?"

"Maybe, but she's probably on a plane to another place right now. You know how she doesn't stay in one place more than a month."

"That girl, and here i thought she'll be a model or maybe an actress." Jin muttered childishly only to wince when you gave him a warning squeeze since you still held his hand. "As long as she comes back to visit I don't mind her travelling around." you said earning a nod from the rest of your husbands.

"Oh I just love to go travel too." Nana sighed out dreamingly as Nami followed suit. "Why don't you just bring Haru along for a little vacation?" Namjoon suggested as he put down the glass of wine next to him. The twins hummed at the idea before sighing out, "Sadly our work doesn't let us take a week or two off from work." Nami groaned out.

Yongho snickered at his sisters' misery earning two pairs of glowing red eyes glaring at him.


Once dinner was finished the family all went to do their own stuff, the story forgotten for tonight.

"Alright, go to sleep kids. Tomorrow you still have school." Hoseok clasped his hands in front of him as Taehee, Hani and Jia groaned out. "Can't we take the day off tomorrow papa? It's not everyday Nami and Nana unnie get to visit us." Taehee pouted at Hoseok who sighed. "No you girls can't. Come on, the blood moon holiday is a few weeks away. Once it comes you'll have a month of holiday. Now go to your rooms." he pointed the stairs as his daughters just pouted and dragged themselves up the stairs.


Meanwhile Yongho was already in his bed, his earphones in while blasting some punk rock music while he reads his spell book. His red pupils changed into a deep lavender colour as he chanted out; "nigraincenderunt."

His palm formed a small black flame just for a few seconds before you knocked on the door before opening it. The flame went out as soon as you entered, "Hey baby." you smiled at your son who sat up at your voice. "Mom?" Yongho took off his headphones as you sat down on his bed.

"Practicing for the test?" You asked when you noticed the book on his lap, Yongho nodded silently. "But I can't make the flame last longer though. I still need practice." he mumbled feeling ashamed that he can't even do the simplest spell properly. Smiling at your son's words you placed a hand on top of his silver haired head and gently patted it. "Hey, it's okay. You still have a month before the test. No pressure okay? If you need anything just ask your father, he knows everything when it comes to dark magic."

Yongho was silent still having his gaze on the leather book on his hand before looking up, "Nana and Nami noona won the 1412th test, Jia noona won the 1413th test. And based on the history books and pictures they were all amazing, I... I don't know if I can win it like they all did. What if I failed and only taint the name of the royal vampires." Yongho voiced out his problem as your heart hurt at the sight at how dejected your child is.

No mother can stand the fact that their child is so sad especially if you can't do anything with it.

"Oh baby..." you brought your son in your arms as he doesn't push you away instead he let himself buried in your embrace. "I promise you, you'll win that test okay? You're our son, and even if you don't that will us, me, love you any less okay?" you said reassuringly while giving your baby boy a kiss on his forehead which earned a small smile from Yongho.

You let go of him and cupped his face. "Now go to sleep, you'll have school tomorrow. And don't forget to ask your father about the spell okay? Mommy loves you." you left the teen's room to see Yoongi leaning against the wall by the door.

"You two need to talk soon." you said giving your husband a kiss on the lips as Yoongi hummed.

"I love you wifey."

"Ew go away."



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