Chapter 12

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(Jonathan's P.O.V)

***Couple days later ***

I woke up to hear Riley talking to David and the smell of pancakes being cooked. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said.

"Good morning Jonathan." David and Riley said together.

"Got any plans for today?"

"Me and Abby were going to hang out tonight." Riley said.

"Cool" David said


"Maybe I'll invite Sharp and Kane over later." Jonathan said.


She stacked all the pancakes on to a plate and we all gather around the table.

It was me, David and the two Patricks at my place tonight. Abby and Riley were going out tonight.

We were in the middle of an NHL 15 game, it was me and David playing as team Canada and the two Patricks playing as the Blackhawks. The Canadians were winning over the Blackhawks by a score of 4-3, when Sharp's phone rang. We paused the game, he saw it was Abby and picked it up.

"Abby calm down and tell me again." Sharp said.

"I'll get the boys and we will me you there."

He hanged up and said,  "We got to get the hospital."

"Why?" Kaner asked.

"Abby and Riley got into a car crash and Riley is hurt."

My heart sank when he said that. The Patricks went in Sharp's car and David came with me. We got to the hospital and we saw Abby standing there, crying. Abby ran over to me and start to say, "I'm sorry Jonathan."

"Where's Riley?" I asked.

"They had to take tests on her."

"What happened?" Sharp asked.

"I was driving and all the sudden a car came out of nowhere and crashed on Riley's side of the car." Abby said.

I felt a tear ran down my cheek. David came over to me and started to hug me.

"Are any of you family of Miss. Riley Tyler?" a nurse asked.

"No but I'm her boyfriend. All her family lives out of state." I said.

"Can you come with me then?"


I followed the nurse to Riley's room. I see Riley in the bed and she is asleep. The nurse closes the door and go over to the bed.

"Miss. Tyler has a fraction collarbone on her right side of her body and a couple bruises. We had to do some surgery with the collarbone to help it heal. She is on something, so she is a little not like herself but it will wear off in half an hour." the nurse said.

"Thanks you" I said.

The nurse leaves the room and I stood over her bed. I softly stroke her left hand with my fingers.

"Hey do you want to hear a secert." I heard Riley say. She was still sleeping.

"Sure" I said

"You're not allowed to tell anyone, not even Jonathan."

I wanted to say it was me she was talking to but I did want to her a secret of hers. "Okay" I said.

"Aaron Hijons is actually a girl and she has a crush on David Toews."

What the heck? Aaron is a girl? This can't be true, but yet it could be. But if it is true, Aaron likes my brother? I couldn't wrap my head around anything Riley just said.

I need to ask Aaron right now. I grab my phone and called Q.

"Hello?" Q said.

"Hey Q is Tazer. Do you have Aaron Hijons number? I need to ask him something." I said.

He gives me Aaron's number and I say thanks. I hang up with Q and called Aaron.

"Hello?" Aaron said.

"Hey Aaron it is Tazer. Why didn’t you tell me you were a girl?" I asked.

"How do you know I'm a girl?"

"So it's true?"

"Yes, I'm a girl but how did you find out? Only Riley knows."

"She said to me but don't get mad at her. She was in a car accident and she was give stuff so she won't remember she said it."

"What hospital?"

I gave her the name and I heard her hang up. One of the best defenders is a girl.

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