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'I'm trying.'


Mark layed in bed. Unmotivated and uninspired.

'Another day of being constantly apathetic. Does any of it even matter anymore?'

"Mark! Get up, you have to go to school."

"I'm not going," he replied turned on his side.

His mother came into the room and leaned on the door frame, "Mark, is this another one of your moods or something?"

"Moods? You've been hanging out with that asshole too much, mother."

His mother chuckles, "Okay, stay in bed. I don't care."

"Something is up with her, I told her not to hang out with that raspberry dick but does she listen? No! No one ever listens." Mark shakes his head, as he hears the front door close.

"And there she goes, to the very man who fucked up everything."

Mark sighs, "Whatever. I don't care. Not my problem anyway."

He lays in bed until his phone starts chiming.

Our Skyy
My Antares: Jackson
My Callisto: Jinyoung
My Sirius: Mark

My Antares: mark where r u babe?

My Callisto: Yeah, we haven't seen you yet. Are you in class already?

i'm not coming.

My Antares: oh... is everything okay? how r u feeling?

i'm fine. dont worry about me.

My Callisto: Mark, you can't just not go to school. That's not how it works.

My Antares: yeah, especially since ur graduating ths yr.

i don't care.

My Callisto: Mark, we can't help you with your homework every night because, you can't get the material because, you don't go to school.

no one is asking for your help, jinyoung. no one is dying for you to help me now are they?

My Antares:  woah babe, we r saying ths becuz we wanna help you, we dont want ur grades slipping

why do you guys even care? you're going to get angry when i don't go.

My Antares: mark, we care about u

My Castillo: All of us have to get up and go to school. We have things to worry about, but we're choosing to think about you over that. So come on.

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