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TRIGGER WARNING// Homophobic slurs. Please be careful if. You're sensitive about this.


'Maybe I'm not as okay
as I thought. '



After Jinyoung came out, this wasn't unusual for his family to do this.

Jinyoung rolls his eyes and goes downstairs to give his older brother, Jimin, some water.

"Here." Jinyoung turns to walk away.

"Wait. Where the fuck is the ice?" Jinyoung looked at the older confused.

"You never drink water, or anything really, with ice. You say that it's too cold for your 'sensitive teeth.'"

"Well I want some today, whore, go get me some."

"No, get it yourself. The fuck?"

Jimin gets up, and slaps his younger brother, "I said get me ice, fag."

Jinyoung has always been the type to never take shit from anyone.

That includes his older brother.

"And I said, get it yourself!" The raven gets up and punches his brother in the stomach.

"Oh shit."

He then runs up to his room and packs a small bag as fast as he physically could. He grabs his essentials and some bottles of paint and snacks hidden under his bed.

"YOU PRICK!" he hears a bang on his door, "GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!"

"Yeah, no." Jinyoung says under his breath. "Guess we're taking the window today."

Jinyoung jumps out of his window on to his roof and carefully gets down.

He then gets out his phone and dials Mark's number.

"Hey. Wanna do some stupid shit?"

Jinyoung can hear the smirk in Mark's voice, "Always."


After Mark gets off the phone with Jinyoung, he goes downstairs to where his mother and the person who impregnated his mom sitting on the couch.

He rolls his eyes at the sight and gets into his car. He was told by Jinyoung to go pick up Jackson first so that's what he did.

"Hey~." Jackson says as he gets into the car.

"Hi Jackson. Do you know what this is about?"

"Nope. Usually Jinyoung is the one who makes sure that we DON'T do stupid shit."

"Exactly. I'm kind of scared, but if it makes Jinyoung feel better, then I'll do whatever." Mark sighs.

Jackson grabs the olders hand and interlock their hands.

"Don't worry too much, Markie. We'll make sure he's okay. We'll help him. No matter what we have to do." The brunette smiles

Mark raises the hand holding Jackson's to his lips and places a small kiss on the latter's.

Jackson's cheeks turn into a rosy pink while Mark smiles.

"You're such a sweetheart. Anyone would be lucky to have you, Jackson. Jennie was stupid as fuck to let you go."

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