13. I Hate Losing Your Touch

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Reader P. O. V

If only this pillow could drown me.

"I'm leaving for practice Y/N! See you later"

I roll my forehead off the pillow I was laying on.

"Mmh... See you Yosano!"

She gets to the door frame and turns to me.

"By the way good luck today girl! Keep that Port asshole from breaking your legs!"

I laugh off the burn the guilt left in my throat.

God... If only she knew!

Yosano shared my laugh and soon left. The last trace of her was a buzz when the lock closed.

And I go back to trying to drown myself with my pillow. 

My frustration reveled in my groans and puffs, most of them half-drowned by the pillow case. 

Of all people it had to be Chuuya! 

Skate professionally my ass! With him around I'll be lucky if I remember how to breath! 

But I also couldn't help but share his suspicions. 

Someone was definitely messing with this whole thing....

I pick my phone up and look at the time on the screen. 

2 pm. 

Fuck, it's time to get to my first practice with him. 

I stumble around the room looking for my stuff. 

"Again!" I yell as I pick up my bag "If there is God or anyone else ou there, now would be a good time for a blessing!" 

This echos around my when I slam the door behind, as if they were the source of my annoyance and worry. 

Third person P. O. V

Another thud of sport's bag echoes. 

Chuuya lifts his eyes from his skate laces to the new sound next to him. 

It was Y/N. 

His eyes met hers for a moment. 

And that is how you make one thick akward silence cake. 

Chuuya P. O. V

"Look away you dumbass!" 

I yell in my head. 


I don't listen to myself and keep watching her get out her skates and start putting them on. 

Did she have to be this enchanting while doing such a quotidian task? 

My head yells at me again. This time soo loud I had to listen. 

Soon her fumbling stopped. 

"For you!"

Like an eager puppy I turn my head to the sound of her voice. 

Her hand was offering me a piece of paper. 

I take it and she gets on the ice while I unroll it. Looks like she doesn't want to see my reaction. 

"Sorry I can bring myself to tell you in person, but please keep it professional"

Damn her... 

I take out a pen and scribble "You sure do make it hard as hell"

I never gave her this since Fukazawa showed up after. 

   - || - 

Chuuya P. O. V

Y/N's image brezzes through the icy air, getting closer to me.

Acording to the routine I'm suposed to grab her by the waist and lift her up. 

I hope she doesn't... 


She misses her last jump and ends up on the ground. 

I heart pulls on me to help her up, yet I stand there to keep up our image of hate for each other. 

I despised myself then. 

"Come on Y/N. Get up!"

Fukazawa skates to her side and helps her up. 

"You need more practice... Two weeks in not enough"

She rubs her arm and looks away. 

Fuck, she's blaming herself! 

"Sir!" I skate over to them "Maybe we would improve if the two us practiced more in between regular practices" 

Y/N is gonna hate me for doing this. 

Fukazawa stares through me, looking for evil motives. 

"I'll let Y/N decide" 

We both look at her. 

"I- I'll stay... I'll give you my phone number after this Chuuya"

Oh no... 

The practice ended soon and she came closer to me. 

"Are you nuts?!? Do you want others to get suspicious!? "

I see Fukazawa leave and use the chance to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. 

"You're the one being suspicious yelling at me and besides it's our shared goal to win so it's natural to offer to practice more" 

I let go of her. 


"So, see you in a bit then?"

She looked around for witnesses of our crime "Yeah..." 

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