12. The Change To Changes

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Chuuya P. O. V

I was headed somewhere with Mori. He didn't tell me where but the anger fuming off him was enough of a warning for me to not ask questions. 

In the thick silence we shared while walking, all I could do was toss around the idea of what made him mad. 

And the sudden changes in the competition were my first suspect. 

We got to a meeting room and the doors indured an elegant knock from my angry boss.

Something is definitely going to go wrong....

The doors opened, leading us into a small room.In wich we found the Angeny skaters, Y/N and Dazai, with Fukazawa next to them.

This day could not get worse!

Third person P. O. V

The Agency looks at the opened door. Your left eye twitches when you see Chuuya enter along with Mori. 

"Hello Fukazawa-dono~" 

Mori comes near the president. 

"I see you're also here in demand of answers?"

Even if he wanted to Fukazawa couldn't answer, because the door opened for the third time. 

And Ango, on of the people from the judges committee, stepped into the room. 

"I assume your here because of the sudden change. Right?" he asked. 

Looks they weren't the first ones bothering him about it. 

"Yes. We want to know why this happened" 

This sentence was the only thing that Mori agreed on with Fukazawa. 

"Exactly... " Mori spoke. 

Ango pushed his glasses upwards "The competition sponsors decided this was a good marketing plan to gain viewrship. That's all I can tell you" 

Well, that was vauge... 

"All I can tell you my ass! Someone is messing with us on purpose and you know it!"

I don't think I need to say, who this yelling came from...

Mori outstretched his hand to keep his angry skater in place. 

"Calm down Chuuya-kun" he turned to Ango "So what is your plan of action now? What if this, so called, plan to gain viewership fails?"

"The sponsor duobt it will" Ango straightened his posture "And besides you're given more then enough time to prepare the programs. A whole 2 weeks if I'm not mistaken?" 

Fukazawa and Mori looked at each other across the room. 

"If this is all, I'll be leaving you now. Good luck!"

Said and done. In mere seconds Ango was gone from the room. 

What a dry explanation, tho. 

"So... What now?" 

Chuuya broke the silence. 

Fukazawa turned to you "Y/N you're partners with Chuuya, right?"

You snapped from your thoughts "Y-yes!" 

Your president nodded. "I request I train Y/N and Chuuya for their performance!" 

"Not so fast... " 

Looks like Mori wasn't planing on giving up so quickly. 

"Chuuya is one of my skaters. One of my best in fact. Entrusting him to your lead is a huge risk..." not giving a chance for replies he continued "So I request I write their program"

You stiffen at the sight of the opposing side in front of you. 

Mori's eyes draken "That's the most logical plan, right? You'll have control over your skater and I'll have control over mine... "

All eyes turn to the Agency president. 

"Alright. I accept" 

Reader P. O. V

I watch Chuuya and Mori leave. 

Why me?! 

"Damn! You got that slug as your partner?!"

This question from Dazai brought me back from my silent whining. 


Dazai places his thumb under his chin "He's quiet a temperamental skater I'll tell you that~"

"Yeah you can tell from the way he skates..." I reply half-mindedly. 

"Yeah, I would know. I used to be his partner." 

I wasn't absentmineded anymore "What?! Really?"

"Mhm~" he started to walk towards the door "So if you need tips for skating with him, you can ask me"

His eyes bling at you. 

"After all... I AM Dazai. The Agency's most trusted member!"

I giggle. 

"Heh, sure... thank you!" 

I loved his antiques. But this time my head was anything but willing to put up with them. 

Soon I left as well. Praying that God or someone with higher power gives me patience for the future. 

Cause I certainly didn't have it now! 

Skate on the melted ice /Chuuya x reader/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat