Anyone else think Trump should read Hunter Biden's e-mails at his next really?

- Mark Lutchman via Twitter

• More importantly, should cite them in next debate.
- Harriett W.

• I think they should also be on billboards.
- Michael W.

• My husband said he should print them and pass them out.

• Read them word for word to the American people.
- Joe B.

• And if China and Russia have more evidence they will blackmail him. He needs to explain why they make millions and nobody talks about it it's so crazy. If Trump did any of this it would already be out there everywhere but he hasn't. God bless our president and keep America strong.
- Susan

• No... the Right is already in control. We are smart Americans and already know (Left) will destroy America. Vote Trump for Freedom
- Hoosier247

• Just tweet them out!
• No reason to wait. count down to the election, leave it all on the table and let Americans decide
- tshurt51

• It don't matter, millions have cast their votes! Biden/Harris 2020!!!!!
- Wanda B.

• Yes!!!!!!!!! He should because it will never be known only President Trump can expose the corruption and lies and scandals someone has to
- Espie H.

• They should have them scrolling on the screen behind Trump as he provides commentary. Or maybe someone should "accidentally" slip them into Joe Biden's teleprompter script.
- The Yootopian

• Hillary's too
- SCsarahsmile56

• Do it during the debate. Answer the question quickly, pivot, and read the text/email and ask Joe Biden to explain.
- Jeff Zarr

• I sure wish he would! And, would love to see FBI standing offstage with arrest warrants for him and the rest of his co-conspirators! Sadly, won't happen! He'll skate free, may even get elected!
- Sandy W.

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