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Liberals just 'revoked 50 Cent's "black card.'"
I say, he just got his PATRIOT card.
Anyone else agree?

- Mark Lutchman via Twitter

• My belief is the leaders of Antifa and BLM know they are fascist and Marxist, but the majority of their followers (I use that word deliberately) don't. They're too uneducated and ignorant to know they are what they claim to hate. This makes the followers useful.
- Terri D.

• Funny how privileged white democrats think they have the right to decide who gets to be black.
But I guess they just respect traditions of the same party that started the Civil War to keep their slaves in the 1860s.
- Chuckula

• Pretty sure 50 cent is still signaling that Trump is a horrible leader and a racist (I reject both narratives) but that he is a single issue vote on the Tax issue. I'm not sure I would prop him up as a new conservative, although he'd be welcome if he were.
- Jake A.

• The bigger point here is not about "Trump support" but, that people have different reasons for their votes.
- gmaw57

• But 50 can't, hasn't and won't vote - how is he a patriot?
- Fannie Lou

• How's supporting an impeached and criminal traitor being patriotic?
- Mike P Williams

• Black Lives Matter - until they dare to think for themselves.
- Sherita

• Nah. He got his "my money is way more important to me than my belief in leftist ideals" card. So he bounced on the high taxes. Which is totally fine. Rather that than nothing, but let's not pretend that simply endorsing Trump because of his economics make 50 a patriot.
- Agamemnon

• I think that he is doing the right thing and going with the candidate and party that will benefit him as well as the rest of us in the long run. It's that simple
- Stan Z.

• If patriot is self interested tax avoider ...wahoo.. what a coup!!! @50cent u followed!!!
- SammaSte

• Totally! I'm seeing more really cool Rappers going red with Patriotic pride!
- Collie Momma

• I think it is called growing up anyone else notice how many start things as liberals and over time become conservatives
- William B.

• He just doesn't want to pay taxes lol
- Bill B.

• Have they called him a white supremacist yet?
- Matus B.

• Liberals don't handout "Black cards". No whites person has ever removed a Black person from the community. 50 and Cube will weather the current moment. All Black people are patriots. Conservatives don't get to revoke Black people's patriotism. You should know that, Mark.
- JohnE

• Here comes all the white people saying they love his music 🙄
- brenda the blendaah

🙃 decide to end the first chapter off with a bang. and by bang i mean a couple of triggered libs 🤷‍♀️🙄🤦‍♀️😏😂😂
i hope y'all like the new layout and style im using to write this book. sorry to switch things up on y'all, i know change can be stressful for some so i do apologize but i do believe it'll be a bit more enjoyable to read.
there's more to read in a chapter of this book rather than the first few books. all chapters will still be short and easy to read, of course, but there will be more to it than the first two books. (instead of having a 24 word chapter, we'll have 200-500 word chapters)
i hope y'all enjoy! Let me know how you're liking (or disliking) things! i CAN take criticism so don't worry about offending me. im not soft 🤗🙃

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