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~Ed POV~

As I drift into consciousness, I open my eyes slowly. Once they've adjusted to the light filling the room, I realise I'm not at home. And then I remember last night. I smile absently as I look at Roy. He's fast asleep, a faint smile lingering on his lips. A surge of warmth floods my chest as I watch him sleep. I know that sounds creepy, but watching the steady rise and fall of his chest, my head filled with memories of last night, the moment is perfectly idyllic.

After a moment I quietly get out of bed and tiptoe downstairs. I don't know my way around Roy's kitchen very well, but I manage to find everything I need to make pancakes.

By the time I return upstairs with hot, battery deliciousness for both of us, Roy is sat up in bed. His face breaks into a wide smile as he sees me coming in.

“You didn't have to make breakfast,” he says.

“But I wanted to.”

He leans over to kiss me. "Thank you."

The pancakes are delicious, even if I say so myself. We devour them in minutes.

"How are you after last night? " Roy asks, “I know that was your first time and everything.”

My first time. Shit.

"I'm fine," I assure him, "it was amazing."

“Good," he smirks.

I know I should tell him about what happened with Winry but… everything's just so perfect and I don't want to spoil it. I'll tell him later.

“So, do you wanna go on a date today?” Roy suggests.

“Sure. Where were you thinking of?”

He names an amusement park not too far away.

"Hell yes!" I exclaim. I freaking love rollercoasters. My boyfriend smiles at my eagerness.

We quickly get ready and leave the house. For the whole journey there I'm consumed by excitement, which amuses Roy.

When we get there, Roy tries to pay for the tickets, but I stop him.

“You said I could pay for the next date, remember,” I tell him as I hand over the money.

I immediately drag Roy to the biggest ride in the whole park. It only opened a couple of months ago and I've been wanting to go on it since then.

"Um, Ed. How tall are you?" Roy asks as we approch the queue.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Well... there's a height limit for the ride."

I glare at him. "I'm not that short you know."

"I would check just in case."

"Fine…" I mutter as I stomp to the stupid height measurer of a plastic cartoon person holding their arm out, proclaiming, "you must be this tall to go on this ride!"

I stand next to it and look to see if I'm tall enough - and am shocked as I see the arm above my head. Above it! I don't believe it, I'm actually too short!

"We're going to a different ride, I didn't really want to go on this one anyway," I announce to Roy, who's struggling not to laugh. Oh yeah, very funny.

We go to a different ride and I soon forget about my anger as we zoom downwards at a ridiculous speed. I love how it makes me feel, the fear and excitement mixed together. It's exhilarating.

We go on a few more rides before we decide to get lunch. We both get hot dogs, typical amusement park food. After we eat we wait a bit before going on any rides in case we're sick (Roy's idea, not mine). It's quite nice to walk around for a little while, holding hands and talking, but I also can't wait to get back on the rollercoasters.

Before I know it, the amusement park is closing.

“Thank you for an incredible date,” I say to Roy on the way back.

“Why are you thanking me? You paid,” he reminds me, chuckling at my stupid logic.


When we get back to his (I guess I'm staying there again tonight) I remember about telling him about Winry. But it's been such a great day, I don't want to spoil it now. I can just tell him tomorrow, right?

Later in the evening as we're eating dinner, my phone begins to ring. It's Winry. Great. Just the person I'm trying not to think about. I wonder what she wants…


Hey guys! It's been waayyyy too long :( but im gonna start updating regularly again (and i mean it this time). What did you think of the chapter? And I wonder what Winry wants... ;). I bet none of you can guess before the next update :P. Anyways, that's about it for now. Don't forget to vote/comment if you liked it. See you soon! (I promise)


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