Colin kaepernick son

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Two weeks later
Demi Pov
I made sure that we had everything packed and ready to go since we are leaving early.when I told Reagan we were going to visit my parents he was scared.we got on the plane to to visit my parents.when we took off Ray wanted me to hold him.colin and I were talking about different things to pass the time.Ray was sleep the whole way there. I've wen to go get are luggage I was still carrying Reagan who was asleep.
I see my family coming to us.some of my fans would come up to me ask for a photo or me to sign something for them but I had to tell them no. I Colin had are luggage.
Md-Demi mom e-Eddie m-Maddie ds-Dallas d-Demi c-Colin ed-everybody
Dm & e-you most be Colin we have heard so much about you and your son to
C-good thing I hope
Dm & e-yes we have
D-let me introduce you mom dad Maddie Dallas this is Colin Kaepernick and our son Reagan who is sleeping.
Ed-it's nice to meet you guys.
C-nice to meet you guys as well.
Skipping the car ride
We just got to my parents house Colin and I took our stuff to my old room.reagan woke up in the car and is being shy and his never like this.
Colin Pov
Demi's family is so nice and welcoming and warm. I could we are going to have a great time.I could tell Reagan was still a little neves and would not let go of Demi. Demi's mom tired to take him out of her arms and he freaked out.he would not stop crying so I had to get his dummy Demi packed for him.when Reagan did now someone and Demi was around he dose not liked being touch just give him time to warm up to you.when I got back down there I gave it it to home and he just held on tight to Demi the whole time.Demi tried to put him Down it didn't work.Being with Demi family was nice I felt normal.
Demi Pov
It was nice to spent time with my family. When my mom tried to hold Reagan and freakout was normal.when he wakes up from a nap he likes it when I hold that is why he started crying and I had Colin get his dummy.
Dm- Demi mom d-Demi
D-sorry mom he does not like other people trying to hold him after he wakes up from a nap and he does not know you.
Dm-I get that he does not know who we are or his shrouding.
D-it will just take time for to get to know you guys
Dm-Demi it's fine
This time when I put Reagan down on the ground he was fine.He looked at me to give him the ok to look around the house. I cuddle with Colin and talk to sister about different things.He seems to be ok with the new shrouding.
R-Reagan D-Demi
R-mamma drink
D-let me get u your sippey cup for you baby
R-no mamma
D-what baby how are you going to drink then
R-you mama
D-you want to share
R-no boobies
D-oh my baby you need a sippey cup.i need to talk to daddy.
R-ok mama (he said through his dummy)
I pulled Colin up to my room so we could talk.
C-Colin D-Demi
C-what's wrong
D-our son wanted me to breastfeed him
C-he what now
D-you heard me
C-what did you tell him
D-no that he needs to have a sippey cup.
D-we might want to ask the doctor and see why he wants me to breastfeed feed him.
Over the next few days we went sight seeing the town.reagan was still a little clingy to me even Colin was there.when I am not around Reagan would cry for me.when I got back into sight and new that I was there he was fine.

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