Chapter 6.

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Kakuzu didn’t bother to beat around the bush, seeing no point in hiding it, and so simply stated the truth, causing Shima to sigh and roll her eyes. But glancing over them both again, she paused for a moment. It’s not as if she had anything better to do here—it wasn’t a particularly exciting village to begin with. Not to mention, having heard of the Akatsuki, Shima was curious about them; this way she could actually learn more. They themselves as people seemed interesting, too. It could be fun. Also, they had come to get her, making the effort to figure out where she had been taken and then decide to go and rescue her—or at least, they had started to do so. They’d made the effort to try and be polite at the beginning as well, when it was clear it wasn’t what they really wanted to do. She might as well see how things went, right?

She didn’t get visions for no reason; so clearly they were significant in her life.

So shrugging it off, she nodded and agreed—not that there was really any point doing so. But accepting the fact that she was now going to go with them willingly, she turned and grabbed a couple of things for the journey, making sure she was stocked up on kunai and shuriken and that this time she had her athame daggers on her. Shima noted as she rejoined them and they headed for the exit that the shorter one—the one with the silver hair—instantly noted that fact, glancing over at her as if to fully analyse her. Unsure whether to feel tense under his gaze or flattered that he seemed so interested in her, she eventually brushed aside her wariness. The look in his eyes wasn’t mistrusting; merely curious, and Shima herself couldn’t help but think there was something unusual about him, too. He was pretty hot, she’d give him that—with some very nice abs on him as well. But realizing what she was thinking, she shook it off, looking over them both to question simply, persisting when the taller one got defensive,

“So what are your names? If I’m going to be travelling with you, I can at least know who you are.”

Though with that, he gave in, and a full introduction took place, allowing Shima to discover their names were Kakuzu and Hidan. Absorbing that information, she began to state her own name, only to stopped mid way and to be told they already knew it. A little confused at that concept, she shook it off a second later, knowing there were people out there who knew of her, and clearly they had to have gotten her location from somewhere. And with the first hurdle over, the conversation moved on—and Hidan now took the chance to finally ask her some questions. Kakuzu gritted his teeth in irritation to begin with at how Hidan was acting, not wanting him to fuck anything up, but soon let it be, realizing he needed to hear the answers as well, and so simply listened in as Hidan began swiftly,

“So, Shima; why’d you just let us in back there? I mean, we were fucking strangers and you just invited us in!”

“I had visions about you. Well, not actually about you two, but you know what I fucking mean. I knew it would be the Akatsuki, and so when I saw your cloak, I knew it was you. I’d been wondering when you’d turn up.”

“Nice. But wait—your visions just come to you at any time? You don’t have to like; do a jutsu or anything to make them appear?” Hidan replied, and answering his questions, she explained that they weren’t something she would ever be fully able to control. Raising an eyebrow at that news, Hidan remembered what it had been like when he had touched that body, and glancing down as he walked, he murmured with a smirk,

“That must be weird. Having pictures just fucking pop into your head like that at any time…”

Smirking at him, Shima realised he must have been the one to have received the vision she left at the house, shaking her head a little at his reaction. Then again, it was always unusual for those who hadn’t ever experienced anything like it before. For her, it was a natural thing that she’d dealt with since she was young; but she had to keep reminding herself that that wasn’t the situation with others. For them, it was completely out of the blue, and for some, sometimes even scary. Not that she expected the likes of Hidan to be afraid of having visions after randomly touching something, but still. He had reacted in a way Shima hadn’t seen from anyone before, for someone who didn’t understand her abilities and what she could really do. No one who hadn’t had visions before understood them—

And didn’t she know it.

But snapping back to reality, Shima pushed those thoughts aside. What had that got to do with anything? At least with these guys they knew they needed her abilities; they had accepted that fact and were taking her with them in order to make sure shedid use them! And they were strangers to her, anyway—what did it matter what they thought? No one’s opinion mattered to her, let alone these guys; she didn’t know them in the slightest! Hiding a sigh at how she was reacting already, Shima tried to focus back in as Hidan turned to her again and questioned a little more as to her abilities, and hoping that could take her mind off of everything else, she obliged.

Like she had said to Hidan, Shima didn’t need a jutsu in order to get her visions. It was more like her body was an antenna, and she simply picked up the visions from around her. She could bring on visions, however, by touching things and building up her chakra, and that was most likely what she would be doing when they reached the temple. She could never guarantee she’d get a vision from it, but it increased the chances of her doing so, at least. They happened in just the same way Hidan had experienced; images flashing up in her mind, and if needs be, she could allow other people to see the visions as well. The ability also connected her to the spirit world, and there had been times where Shima had seen things that were to do with dead people still passing on one last message. Some of her visions she could act on and prepare for, and others were things that she couldn’t change—but she had known that from the start.

Glad they had learned a bit more about Shima’s abilities, they pressed on through the forest. After all that had happened today, it wasn’t exactly the best head start, and it would only add on a day to their journey; the sun was just about to set, and they’d have to stop for the night soon after. Kakuzu wasn’t exactly happy about that fact, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it now, and so simply concentrated on the path ahead, remaining in silence. But Hidan wasn’t done. He wanted to know more about what Shima could do. What he had seen at her house had been amazing, so to know it was just a natural thing to her was something he couldn’t get out of his head. He liked her; she seemed to have more in common with him than she did with Kakuzu, and he couldn’t help but keep an eye on her as they travelled on.

It wasn’t too long afterwards that the sun had completely disappeared from the sky, night having fully fallen, and finally picking out a clearing that seemed suitable enough, they opted to stop for the night. After a few minutes they’d started a fire, sitting round it watching the flames flicker in silence, and as Hidan and Shima ate some of the stuff they had, Kakuzu stood and went off to get firewood, leaving them alone. For a few moments the silence remained, unsure where to go from here or what to say. But strangely enough, neither of them wanted to stay the way they were. Shima could tell Hidan was curious about her—though she couldn’t quite fully understand why—but at the same time, she was curious about him. He was in the Akatsuki; that marked him as a high-level ninja. So what could he do? The way he had reacted to what she could do still hovered in Shima’s mind, partly drawing her in and partly making her hesitate. But as she glanced up at him again, drawing her eyes over his face and body once more, she smirked to herself, finally turning to face him head on.

There was definitely something about him that she liked.

And that she wanted to get to know.

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