Chapter 25

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Kakuzu was stuck between reactions as Shima spoke up.

Part of him was glad that he wouldn't have to knock her out and drag her to the hideout in order to deliver her to Leader—at least now she'd come willingly. Yet at the same time, with how she had responded, he wasn't overly glad of the fact she'd be joining. Too many similarities to Hidan, after all. And knowing his luck, he'd have to deal with the both of them more than was necessary. As such, he simply nodded, accepting her decision, Hidan doing the same—albeit a little more enthusiastically. So both happy with how things had turned out, Shima turned and couldn't resist the urge to hug Hidan, surprising him, but not enough to stop him from hugging back as she stated softly,

"Thanks, Hidan."

But it didn't last for long, as a second later Kakuzu was shouting at them both to break it up, as they had to get back to the hideout as soon as possible. They'd wasted enough time as it was, the mission having gone on way longer than he would have liked. Having to find Shima in the first place had been a pain, let alone thinking she hadn't got any results, only to realise she was the key had just been one problem after another. Now at last they could finally finish it, and therefore Kakuzu wanted to set off as soon as possible—in order to end the journey as soon as possible. He'd had enough of this place, this atmosphere, and hanging out with the both of them. He needed a break, and therefore turned and headed out of the temple and in the direction of the nearest hideout, immediately sending a message to Leader as he did so. He doubted he'd be at the hideout—that would be a miracle too much—but by telling him the situation now, he could travel over as soon as possible to allow them to explain what had gone on.

To allow him to figure out just what he was planning on doing with Shima.

Not that he would have many options. She had the power he wanted, and he wasn't about to give it up so easily when it was within reach and Shima was willing to use it for the good of the Akatsuki. Not to mention, now that she had agreed to come along, she wouldn't just turn back around and forget about the whole situation—let alone with the fact that she wanted to stay with Hidan. She'd definitely resistthat; in the same way Hidan would resist letting her go too. So no doubt Shima would be was just a matter of where to place her that Leader would have to consider. But luckily enough for Kakuzu, that wasn't up to him in the slightest, and as he finished with his message, he focused back in on his surroundings, glancing behind him to see Shima and Hidan had finally caught up to walk a few paces behind him.

That was how Kakuzu liked it.

Hidan and Shima were fine with it too, being able to talk about whatever they wanted without having Kakuzu interfere. And the more they talked, the more they began to look forward to the whole thing. They could work together; hang out together on a day to day basis. Hidan could see more of what Shima could do, and Shima could see more of what he could do—something he was certainly looking forward to. Although, as he glanced over at her while they walked, there was something that made him pause, if only for a second. It wasn't anything that would affect the way he acted around Shima, or the way he talked and the actions he took, but it was still there, hovering in the back of his mind, and no matter what he did, it wouldn't fade.

He had known for a while that Shima had been ashamed of what she could do—even if she never admitted to anyone. That opinion had changed through this series of events, true, but Hidan couldn't disguise the fact that he wanted to know why. When he considered Shima's personality, it didn't seem right that she had viewed things that way, and there had to have been some major event in order for it to have turned out like that. But Hidan...he cared about Shima, and he wanted to know. He wanted to make sure that it couldn't happen again, and that no one would act as if her abilities were weird and useless. Because they weren't—and he knew that for sure.

Kakuzu only let them take a very short break for lunch, before he pushed them on once more, keeping up the pace. It meant that they arrived at the hideout early evening, the sun only just lowering in the sky—and as they went inside, Kakuzu received word that Leader would be here soon, and everything would get sorted out. For a moment after hearing this news, Shima paused, unsure how things would go; before she abruptly realised she didn't care; that she had nothing to worry about, and shook it off, heading into the kitchen to grab something else to eat and drink to make up for what they had missed earlier. Kakuzu disappeared off to his room, saying he'd come back out when Leader arrived, leaving Hidan to give Shima a tour of the hideout, showing her her room, and describing a little more about the Akatsuki—with his own unique description of the other members and Leader himself. Descriptions that Shima wasn't sure she could trust.

But she knew she'd soon find out for herself as Kakuzu abruptly appeared, signifying the arrival of Leader, and turning to face the door, she narrowed her eyes as he came through, noting his piercings, his Rinnegan, the way he held himself. What exactly he would be like, she couldn't tell, but said nothing for the moment as he entered and came over to the table, never taking his gaze off of her. In turn, Shima refused to take her eyes away from his, stating casually a second later,

"I don't think there's any need for an introduction, really. We both know who we are."

A small smirk graced Leader's face, and he gave a slight nod in acceptance of that fact as he turned to Kakuzu for an explanation. Kakuzu gave a short, blunt one, trying again to hide his irritation, and upon hearing it, Leader flicked his gaze back to Shima, causing her to say simply,

"Yeah...I'd say sorry about the whole scroll thing, but I didn't really do anything. The scroll just acted on it's own."

Hidan chuckled slightly at her words, ignoring Kakuzu's glare that was thrown over at the sound, instead scowling at him and looking back at Leader as he nodded at her words and responded softly,

"True; I cannot blame you for what happened. You didn't know what the scroll would do when you went to collect it, and without the others to take it for you, you had no choice but to pick it up yourself—but still. I want that power, Shima. I would not have sent Kakuzu and Hidan there if I didn't. So you will stay in the Akatsuki."

Shima paused at that statement, rolling her shoulders a little. A slight part of her suddenly wanted to say no—she didn't like having demands thrown at her and always being expected to go along with her. But at the same time, she knew she would stay. She wanted to; in a way, she had already agreed to it, and as such, she simply smiled, replying casually,

"Sure. Why not?"

Everything merely relaxed from there, Kakuzu and Leader heading off to their rooms, Shima and Hidan continuing to talk for a while until she opted to look over her room to get used to it. She might not be staying there long, for all she knew, but she might as well understand the basic layout. Plus, she kinda needed to go to the bathroom, so...and a few minutes later and she was sitting on her bed, sighing contentedly as she glanced out of the window, only snapping her gaze round as she heard the door open and shut, smirking as Hidan came in and walked over, raising an eyebrow at what he wanted. It was only as she noted the look on his face that things changed, prompting her to frown as he said quietly,

"Yeah...I wanna talk to you about something. I fucking thanked me back there, Shima. When I told you you were the key. If anything, you were fucking unsure about it! And things just don't add up with how you are; and I wanna know why. Why you act as if your ability is nothing."

Shima abruptly froze at his words, uncertain as to what to do now. Shuffling forward, she placed her feet on the floor and faced the window completely, her back to Hidan, closing her eyes for a moment. It had come down to this. But...but she wanted him to know. She trusted him more than she had done anyone in her life.

She had to do this.

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