Chapter 5.

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The moment he had touched the guy’s chest and it had just happened.

Hidan felt chakra shoot up his arm and into his body, and though at first he thought it was some kind of trap, being unable to take his hand away from the corpse, he realised it wasn’t like that at all as images flashed up in his mind. It was Shima; it had to be. Just like he’d been thinking, she’d managed to leave a message before she’d been knocked out and taken. It just wasn’t quite the kind of message Hidan had been expecting. He’d known she could have visions, but from what was happening it was clear she was able to allow other people to see things when she chose, as well. It was like picture story unfolding in his head; like a dream, but so much clearer. It was like watching your dreams in a cinema; clear picture, surround sound, like you were in the images yourself. Wondering whether it was like this for Shima every time she had a vision, Hidan could focus on nothing but what he was seeing.

Not that Kakuzu had a clue what was going on.

Hidan had said nothing in response to him, and he was being awfully quiet considering his personality, prompting Kakuzu to turn around and see what was going on. He just hadn’t been expecting what he saw. With his palm flat on the other corpse’s chest, he was staring blankly ahead of him, his eyes glassy, like he could see something Kakuzu couldn’t. Hidan wasn’t focusing on anything in the room—but Kakuzu couldn’t quite tell what he was focusing on. Wondering what the hell was going on with him now, Hidan's gaze beginning to flick back and forth, not moving from his position in the slightest, Kakuzu finally opted to speak up, growling,

“What the hell is up with you?”

But instead of truly answering Kakuzu's question, Hidan merely began to talk about something else. After a few moments, Kakuzu realised he was describing something, and the more Hidan spoke, the more Kakuzu realised he was describing a building. From there it all came together, and Kakuzu understood what was going on. Shima had used her abilities to cause whoever touched that body to have a vision—she had allowed Hidan to see just where she was using her chakra, and what Hidan was talking about was where she was being held captive. Running over the words in his mind as Hidan spoke about every detail he could about what he was seeing, Kakuzu tried to figure out what exactly this place was. It wasn’t in the village for sure—he would have noticed a building that looked like what Hidan was describing. But they couldn’t have gotten that far while carrying an unconscious person, could they? It would have to be relatively nearby—

And then it occurred to Kakuzu.

He knew where Shima was.

As Hidan snapped out of the stupor, Kakuzu stated that fact out loud, having spotted the building when travelling in this area before, and grinning at that, Hidan stood, ready to go right away. For once, Kakuzu was with him on this idea, and so Hidan followed on behind Kakuzu as he led him towards the building—it wasn’t as if he was going to be able to find it on his own; he hadn’t a clue where this place was! But Kakuzu, at least, knew where he was going, and within a few minutes they’d arrived at the building. Hidan's grin fell into a malicious smirk, ready to fight whoever came across his path; Kakuzu in the same sort of mood—though for different reasons. Hidan just wanted to fight, and to make sure Shima was ok. He might not exactly care about her considering he barely knew her; but he was curious about her—she was hot. Kakuzu was just pissed off with how this mission was turning out already. The fact they’d had to change their plans had been annoying enough, let alone finding out some other ninja were after the scroll as well and had kidnapped their one lead. All in all he was just about ready to make sure no one got out of there alive.

It wasn’t hard to get inside; none of them had been expecting anyone to show up, let alone the Akatsuki, and so it barely took the work of a few seconds before Kakuzu and Hidan and smashed into the ground floor of the building. Taking a quick look around and getting rid of any ninja in the way, they swiftly gathered there were no cells on this floor, and therefore Shima wasn’t around, and continued on to the next floor, cutting a bloody swathe through the building as they did so. Anyone that appeared was cut down, and they proceeded up a couple more floors before they finally came across anything that was of interest, a ninja blurting where the cells were the moment he spotted Kakuzu and Hidan in the corridor before sprinting away. Letting him be, they followed his advice, finding what they wanted, but with a problem. There were rows of cells on this floor, true, but Shima didn’t seem to be in any of them—but they pushed on regardless. They couldn’t leave without her. She was definitely here.

But clearly she wasn’t unconscious anymore, as as they turned down another corridor, they found everything was destroyed already. Corpses were littered everywhere, walls obliterated and rubble scattered all over the floor. Raising an eyebrow at the level of destruction, both Hidan and Kakuzu soon had to swiftly dodge out the way as a massive chunk of wall came flying towards them, a cell door and bars attached to it as well. Blinking in surprise, Hidan smirked at the action, turning back round as Shima abruptly appeared—still in her underwear. Immediately moving over to a ninja, she picked up a kunai from the floor and slammed it into his back; but instead of him collapsing, he started writhing on the floor in pain, tears beginning to pour down his face as he whimpered in agony. Shima simply glared at him in return, spitting viciously,

“Oh, I’m sorry, I must have missed the vital spot—just the one that causes an agonizing amount of pain! But either way, I’m here in my fucking underwear, I didn’t exactly sleep well last night and I still have the remnants of a massive fucking headache, so just tell me now: where the fuck is my shuriken holster? And trust me, it doesn’t matter where you are, this world or the next; I can find you and ruin your existence!”

Without the strength to protest, the ninja immediately pointed out its location, causing Shima to thank him and pick it up, before killing him quickly. Then strapping her holster around her leg, she straightened up, bumping right into Hidan and Kakuzu as they came forward, merely greeting casually,

“Oh, hey! There you are!”

“Wait…you were expecting us?” Hidan returned in shock, Shima simply shrugging and replying nonchalantly,

“Well you said you were coming back; I’d figured I’d tell you where I was—then I got a vision. No doubt you’ve smashed your way through this place; I heard the noise. So now we’ve got a way out.”

With that, she turned and headed back the way Kakuzu and Hidan had come, finding no opposition as they did so. Grinning as she darted past all the devastation Hidan and Kakuzu had caused, they were out within seconds, and back down into the village in the same amount of time. It wasn’t much longer after that that they were all back in Shima’s house, and swiftly disposing of the bodies, Shima finally headed back to her room to take a shower and fully get dressed—though Hidan wasn’t sure if he was totally happy with this when she finally reappeared to talk to them. But still, it was finally the chance to talk to her that he hadn’t had before, meaning he simply waited as Kakuzu explained what it was they wanted her to do; though with the added factor of other people now being after her as well. Shaking her head at that news, she glanced down to sigh irritably,

“I never thought this ability would get me into so much shit…”

But from there he simply asked her what her decision was—and Hidan couldn’t help but smile as she shot back with a raised eyebrow,

“Even if I say no you’re going to fucking drag me along anyway, aren’t you?”

Yep, Hidan knew for certain—this was definitely going to be fun.   

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