MCND●MinJae x SooYun

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A young woman around age 19 was studied music education to become an idol but she knew she would never pick by any agent. A young woman named is SooYun and is born in South Korea. She was sitting outside of the small restaurant working on her homework.

"I want to get this done so I can work on my songs," she thought.

While SooYun was working on her homework, a young man was walking toward the small restaurant to grabs some dinner. He has a hat and hoodie on to avoid the fans who seem to follow a young man around. He sighed softly and went to sit outside after seeing inside being full.

"Should be safe. I swear those sasengs loved to follow me everywhere," a young man thought.

A young man couldn't find a single seat to sit. He sees that all the seats except one across from SooYun are taken. He sighed softly knowing he doesn't have any choice but praying that's she is not saseng. He walked to her table.

"Excuse me. May I sit here?" a young man asked.

SooYun looked up to see him and nodded. He smiled softly and sits down.

"What's your name?" a young man asked.

"SooYun," she said.

"I'm MinJae," MinJae said.

SooYun looked shocked when hearing his name. MinJae began to get nervous and hoping that she doesn't scream. SooYun blinked and stared at MinJae making him feel uncomfortable. She realized that her staring makes him uncomfortable.

"Sorry, but if you are thinking that I'm saseng then I am not. I have heard your name and listened to your band. I would have to say it is really good," SooYun explained.

MinJae looked relief after hearing her explaining to him. He picked the menu up to see what the small restaurant have an offer. SooYun watched him.

"You hungry?" SooYun asked.

"Yeah. That's the reason I came here. I was hoping for a single seat without anyone sitting at the table but inside was full so I came out and see it was also full except for your table. I was nervous that you would scream at my name if you noticed me. But you didn't which I am grateful for that," MinJae said.

SooYun smiled softly knowing she can be trusted by MinJae. She can see the hat and hoodie on him.

"Reason, why I didn't scream your name is because you disguised yourself pretty good," SooYun said.

"Really? Guess you are the first one that couldn't tell if I am an idol or not," MinJae said.

SooYun smiled and nodded slowly. The waiter came to the table and took the order from MinJae since she is still waiting for her meal because she already orders her order a while back before MinJae join her at the table. The waiter left the table to get their meals ready.

"So what are you studying?" MinJae asked.

"I'm studied to become a singer," SooYun replied.

"Really?" MinJae asked.

"Yes," SooYun said, "MinJae, it was my dream to become an idol but I knew I would never become one even picked by an agent."

MinJae was shocked to hear her saying wanting to become an idol. MinJae slowly looked over to her notebook which is full of the songs in it that SooYun created.

"May I see that notebook?" MinJae asked.

"You may," SooYun said trusting MinJae not to steal her ideas.

"I'm not gonna steal your ideas," MinJae said.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" SooYun asked, shocking.

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