Chapter 14

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Ventus Pov

As I look up at the figure who was floating  above us I sense a massive amount of energy coming from him as he flew down and landed in front of us and picked up Kokoabiel frozen body.

"I must say you really made a mess of the place Kokabiel." The figure said.

"He sure did." I said as I walked up to him.

"I take it your the one that turned this crow into a frozen popsicle." The figured asked me.

"Why don't you tell me your name and I tell you mine." I said as Bahamut spoke up.

"There is no need for that partner I already know who he is right Albion?" Bahamut said

"Master Bahamut your here." Albion said with fear in his voice.

"I take it you know each other?" I asked

"Yes he was once my student the same as Ddraig." Bahamut said as Ddraig was still shaking from Bahamut training.

"First rule of Bahamut training . Do not talk about Bahamut training." Ddraig said (a/n: points to those who get the refrence)

"Do I dare even ask what kind of training you put Ddraig under?" I asked as Bahamut replied saying the less I know the better.

"I see your still alive red one." Albion said.

"Yes it seems we are destine to fight soon again but not today." Ddraig said.

"Indeed I will take these two back with me but before I go may I ask the name of the one who did this?" Albion asked.

"The names Ventus." I said as Albion grabbed Freed and left the area as Sona and her group walked over and saw the damage. 

"Must been one hell of a fight to cause this much damage." Saji said

"Now Tsubaki It's time to repair the damage done to out school." Sona said

"Allow us to help." Rias said as Sona turned down her offer of help saying that this was the job of the student council.

"If that's the case I stay and help out I can't let you do all the work." I said as Sona agreed as I told Nero and Artoria to take the Excalibur's back to the church then head on home.

"Ventus can I have a word with you for a moment?" Kiba asked.

"Sure what's up?" I asked

"I want to apologize  I was rude to you when we met and I hope you cane forgive." Kiba said as I patted his back.

"No need to say your sorry you were going through a rough time." I said

"There is one thing I would like to ask of you." Kiba said

"And that is?" I asked

"I would like you to train me to become a better swordsmen like you." Kiba replied as this surprised everyone even me.

"If I do train you there is no short-cuts no going back are you sure you still want me to train you?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure Master Ventus." Kiba said as he kneeled in front of me.

"Okay okay no need to do all that now I'm gonna teach you and you are gonna learn that's it." I said before I told him that training will start in  two days but for now Rias would like to have a word with him as I went over to Sona and started to help her with the repairs to the school.

3rd person pov

In the far reaches of space on board the Jurain ship The Mikagami Lady Seto was looking at the recording of Ventus fight as she was quite amazed at what she saw.

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