Chapter 27

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Emily stood hand in hand with JJ outside the courtroom, happier than she'd felt in a long time. Dr. Yang and Rachel's social worker were offering their congratulations. Out of the corner of her eye, Emily saw her mother pull Rachel away and bend down to her. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but watched as Elizabeth pulled out a small box.

"I wanted to give you something." Elizabeth said, opening the box. Rachel stood up on her toes and peered inside with anticipation.

"For me?" She asked quietly. Elizabeth nodded and pulled out a small gold locket. "Wow." Rachel whispered.

"Turn around." Elizabeth placed the necklace around Rachel's neck, smoothing her hair out of the way. "Now, look inside." She offered. Rachel hesitated, afraid she would break it somehow. It looked so expensive and delicate. Elizabeth sensed her apprehension and reached up, surprised at how much this child reminded her of Emily. There was nothing biologically connecting them, but Elizabeth saw her daughter's expressions and mannerisms in this little girl. More so than anything, she saw a second chance. This little girl had somehow given the Ambassador her daughter back and she would be damned if she took her for granted again. Elizabeth was aware of her shortcomings as a mother. She had been focused on her career and not her child and it had cost her a precious relationship. One she was working very hard to get back. Elizabeth opened the locket for Rachel and showed her the photographs inside.

"Its Emily and JJ!" Rachel exclaimed happily. "They look so pretty."

"Indeed they do. Your friend Miss Garcia gave that photograph to me."

"Thank you Mrs. Prentiss." Rachel said shyly.

"Now, none of that." Elizabeth said, rising back up to her full height and smiling. "I'm officially your grandmother know aren't I?"

"You want me to call you Grandma?"

"I'd like that if you would."

Rachel grinned up at Elizabeth, holding the locked happily in her hand. "Okay."

"Wonderful, will you tell your mothers I'll meet you at Agent Rossi's house?"

"Yep!" Rachel said happily. She skipped back over to the group as Elizabeth headed out of the courtroom. Dr. Yang and Rachel's social worker had just left as well. "Look what I got!" Rachel leapt up into Emily's arms, proudly displaying her new locket. "Its got you guys in it!"

JJ leaned over and looked at the locket, grinning to herself. "That's one of my favorite pictures." She said softly. It was from before the two women had begun dating. Looking at their faces, JJ couldn't believe that she hadn't seen that Emily liked her as much as JJ had back then. It was obvious to anyone with eyes. JJ caught her wife's gaze and saw her staring at the blonde, happy looked good on her. So did their daughter on her hip. Their daughter. She was going to love saying that.

"Alright, we've got a party to go to!" Emily stated, twirling Rachel around.

"With cake!" Rachel yelled, throwing her arms into the air. She kicked to be let down and snatched both Emily and JJ's hands, hauling them both outside. As she pulled them down the steps she almost slipped and fell on the last one. Emily and JJ lifted her up, swinging her forward to stop her from falling. "Do that again!" She demanded, trying to get them to swing her.

"Excuse me?" Emily asked with her eyebrows raised.

Rachel grinned sheepishly. "Please?" She asked. Emily looked over at JJ, who beamed back at her.

"One. Two. Three." Emily counted and she and JJ swung Rachel up into the air, squealing with delight.

"Again!" She yelled. "Please!" She added quickly. The two women complied one last time before depositing her into the car.

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