Chapter 18

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Rachel had yet to get down off Morgan's shoulders, so Jack still didn't know what was wrong with her. He was very determined to figure it out, so he needed a plan to get rid of Morgan and Garcia for a while. Jack tugged on Garcia's shirt and the bubbly blonde leaned down to him with a smile.

"Can Rachel and I go get some ice cream?" He asked.

"Sure pumpkin, hang on we'll head over there in a minute."

"No! I mean just me and Rachel, its just right over there, you'll be able to see us the whole time." Jack said pointing over to the ice cream stand only yards away.

"Oh, I dunno buddy..." Garcia began. Jack made what Garcia called his 'puppy dog face' and Garcia smiled. "Okay, here's some money, stay where we can see you."

"Okay! Come on Rachel!" Jack yelled up to her. The brunette girl glanced down, reluctantly taking her eyes off the elephants.

"Come on for what?" She asked in a huff.

"Ice cream! Get down!"

"Ugh, fine." Rachel huffed. "Morgan? Can you put me down now please?" She asked. Morgan grinned as he lifted Rachel off of his shoulders and set her down on the ground. Jack reached over and grabbed her hand, the money safe in his other and the two of them took off running. "Garcia let us go by ourselves?" She asked, slightly in shock at the fact. Jack nodded happily as they stepped into the line. "How come?"

"Cause we're awesome and together we make a fourteen year old!"

"I don't think it works like that." Rachel said skeptically.

"Sure it does, so, what's making you mad?" Jack asked, jumping right into it. Rachel glared at him and yanked her hand away, crossing her arms. "Come on, we're best friends, sorta cousins, I won't tell." Jack said softly. Rachel turned and looked at him, her anger lessening a little.

"They don't want me." Rachel whispered. The tears began to well up in her eyes and she wiped at them furiously. "And I think Emily might die."

"From her cut? Nah, they get hurt sometimes. My dad got stabbed, real bad by the guy who...well the bad guy that killed...killed my mom. They get cuts and bruises all the time, Aunt Emily's really tough." Jack and Rachel moved forward in the line and Jack glanced back at Rachel. "Why do you think they don't want you?" He asked quietly.

"I just know." Rachel whispered, her eyes down at the ground.

"How? What did they say? What did they do?" Jack insisted.

"Its...its hard to explain, but I know. My dad was right, no one ever really wants me. They were really happy before I came and now I think they might fall out of love and its my fault!" Rachel yelled. She quieted down as they approached the end of the line. Jack picked two chocolate ice cream cones for the both of them and passed the money over. Handing one cone to Rachel he began to lick the other happily. Jack shoved the remaining change into his pocket and took Rachel's free hand with her own, despite her protests.

"Emily won't die. She got hurt and went away a while ago but she's okay now. Aunt Emily and Aunt JJ like each other better than any grown up I know! They won't fall out of love." The two of them walked slowly back to Morgan and Garcia, taking their time and licking their ice cream. "Plus, I knew them before you did, they're a lot happier now that you're here. Everyone is!"

Rachel managed a small smile. She wanted very much to believe Jack, she almost did, but a small part of her still latched onto the fact that she wasn't wanted. She remained quiet the rest of the trip, through the polar bears, the reptiles, and the dolphins. As they made their way back to the car, Rachel climbed into her seat without protest and leaned her head back, exhausted. Garcia looked back and smiled as she watched Rachel nod on and off into sleep. She quickly made sure Jack didn't wake her as they dropped him back off to Hotch and as they pulled out of the driveway, she was out cold.

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